Chapter 1

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(Brooklyn's POV):

"Finally back to California, aren't you guys excited?" My dad asked as we all sat at our kitchen table, the four of us all spread out around the table. My mum and four year old sister, Harper were out shopping, the usual.

"Mhm." My younger brothers Romeo, Cruz and I all mumbled as we looked at our phones.

"Okay, I get it, long plane ride, i'll leave you guys alone to chill out." My dad said as he stood up from the kitchen table and walked away, pushing in his wooden chair as he left. "Oh yeah, but I have an old friend from high school coming over in an hour, so please look presentable."

"What friend?" Cruz asked as he re-positioned his feet under him as he sat in the chair.

"Keith Brooks, I haven't seen him since graduation." My dad said before he disappeared around the corner.

"We just got here and we already are being forced to suffer through another boring dinner with one of dad's friends?" I sighed as I leaned back in my chair.

"It might be fun, maybe he has a son one of our ages, or a couple sons." Cruz giggled.

"Doubt it." I said as I continued to look at my phone.

"Brooklyn you are always so negative." Romeo said as he stood up and walked to the fridge.

"We have to go through these stupid dinners with our parents friends all the time, I can't be the only one sick of it." I said, looking at Cruz to see what his opinion of it was.

"They don't really bug me, I guess." Cruz shrugged.

"Well I have better things to do with my time." I said as I stood up from my chair, annoyed that my brothers weren't agreeing with me.

"Like what? Sit on your phone, scrolling through Instagram?" Romeo joked as he shut the fridge, a bottle of water in his hand. I just ignored him and walked to the elevator.

"Forty-five minutes boys!" I heard my dad shout as I stepped into the elevator and pressed a few buttons so that it would take me up to my room.

I walked out of the elevator and opened my bedroom door. My phone buzzed as I sat down on my bed. I looked at the message and saw it was from my mum.

"Your dad's friend has a sixteen year old daughter I heard, maybe you two can become friends? Love you lots -Mum"


Hey guys! So this is the new story I have decided to write since I just finished my Romeo book, "Golden Boy", and I'm actually pretty excited about this book! So I guess we'll see how it goes and hopefully you guys will enjoy!


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