Chapter 25

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Everything after that was a blur. My mom ran to Amelia, my mom sobbed too, Liam pulled me into a hug, I couldn't blink because I didn't want to miss a thing, I couldn't hear much and everything was confusing.

They wheeled Mr. Roberts body out of his room, a sheet over him.

This is just a dream, I just saw him a few hours ago and he was fine.

"Kourtney, come on." Liam said, close to the door. "I don't want to see this."

"I'll be out in fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes is all." I told him, "Heat up the car for me."

He nodded and walked out. I walked past my mom and Amelia who were still crying on the floor, I avoided looking at them because I felt bad and didn't want to start crying again like I had a few minutes before.

"Where are you going, Kourtney?" My mom asked behind me.

"I promised my friend Brooklyn I would go check in on him before Liam and I went home." I told her, turning and looking at them. Amelia looked up, her eyes were watery and puffy.

"Brooklyn's here?" Amelia asked.

"Yeah, he is."

She gave me a weak smile, "can I come see him with you?" She sobbed.

"Of course." I smiled. She stood up and slowly walked with my to the front desk. "Kourtney Brooks, again." I told the receptionist.

The receptionist grabbed my name tag from earlier and handed it to me, "same as before."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Wait, what about her, she can't go in without a name tag." The lady said, stopping us.

"She's not here for Brooklyn, she was here for her dad." I said, the lady was quiet after that, thank goodness.

"Can I really not go?" Amelia asked me.

"You can, Brooklyn will want to see you." I smiled as we got in the elevator.

"You really think so?" She asked me, her tear-filled eyes lighting up.

"I know so." I smiled. "I'm warning you, he's in a weird place." I joked.

"I can't do this." Amelia stopped as we were about to be at the doors to the baby ward. "My dad just died. The most important person in my life, the only person I have, dead."

Shivers went down my spine, "It's okay, Amelia." I said, a tear sliding down my cheek. "But maybe seeing Brooklyn will make you feel better."

"I just want to cry."

"I know you do, but you'll be okay, really." We continued to walk to the baby ward.

"The baby ward, is this some kind of sick joke?" She shouted, acting like she was about to cry again.

"No, I promise, he's in here for more protection." I said as I checked my tag in and got buzzed through the door with Amelia.

"I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm not still crying." She said randomly as we were walking to room 404.

"Many people cope differently." I shrugged. I knocked and opened the door to Brooklyn's hospital room.

"Kourtney!" He smiled as I walked in. "And.. Amelia."

"Brooklyn!" Amelia started to sob again as she saw him. "My dad he-he-he's dead."

"What?" Brooklyn asked, shocked. He looked at me and I nodded. "Amelia, I am so so sorry." He said as he opened up his arms to hug her.

Amelia continued to sob into Brooklyn's arms for a while. Brooklyn was patting her back as she cried into his shoulder when he glanced over at me, I was leaning against the hospital door.

I smiled and nodded at Brooklyn, then I walked out of the room.

Amelia's sobs followed me down the hall. I looked down at the time in my phone, "fifteen minutes is all." that's another lie I can add to the list.


"Still, Selena's better off without him." Liam argued with me as I grabbed ice cream out of the fridge.

"Yeah okay, but they were so cute together." I frowned. Liam just rolled his eyes.

I pulled out two bowls out of the cupboard, "Alternative." Liam said. He pulled two spoons off and opened the brand new carton. "We won't be needing this." he said as he through away the lid to the ice cream.

"Liam, we're not going to finish all this!" I said, reaching for the lid.

He pushed my hand back, "trust me, we are." And he was right, as we watched 'The Blind Side' and I cried, we did finish the whole carton of moose tracks ice cream.

She's Dangerous (a Brooklyn Beckham fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now