Chapter 23

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After about a half an hour sitting in the chair next to Brooklyn's hospital bed, he finally fell asleep.

"I'll be back later, I promise." I whispered as I quietly walked out of the hospital room.

"Have a nice night." One of the nurses said to me as I buzzed myself out of the baby ward.

"Thanks, you too." I said before the door shut and locked behind me.

I walked towards the elevator and pressed the main floor button once I got in it. The slow elevator slowly made its way down to the main floor, revealing a pool of people in the waiting room.

"Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me," I kept saying as I attempted to push my way through the waiting room. I looked down at my phone and saw I had twenty-five minutes to make it home by five.

"Miss, your name tag!" The front desk woman called after me.

"Sorry!" I quickly said as I handed it to her and rushed out the hospital door.

I looked back up at where Brooklyn's room was on the fourth floor, room 404. 'I hope you're still sleeping, I'll see you soon.' I whispered to myself as I went to my car.

I sped out of the hospital and got on the highway to go back home. I can't be late, not again, not for something like this.

I pulled into my driveway with a minute exactly to spare as I rushed through the door. "Hey." I said out of breath.

"Hey." Liam said back.

"Where's mom?" I asked, "I'm actually home in time!"

"She said Amelia called her and it was an emergency, so she rushed to Doug's." He answered.

"Ugh, are you serious?" I asked, frustrated with my mom. For once I was actually home like she asked, and now she wasn't even here to tell us the news.

"She said she had to go because Amelia wouldn't call if it wasn't important." He shrugged.

"I don't know Amelia so I wouldn't know." I answered as I set my purse down and pulled my hair into a messy ponytail.

"She's alright, kind of annoying at times but she usually is okay." He said, fast-forwarding through a commercial on the tv. "Mom promised to call to check in."

"Well, let me know if she does, I'll be upstairs."


I walked past Liam on the couch and walked up the stairs to my room. It's been a long day, and I was tired.

I jumped in the shower because I didn't have time to this morning and took a nice twenty-five minute shower, that's a short shower for me, mine are usually forty-five minutes but I tried to keep it short in case my mom called. It would be awkward if your brother had to tell you some bad news while he was sweating from the shower steam and you were naked.

"Anything?" I asked Liam as I stood in my bedroom doorway in a fluffy robe with a pink towel wrapped around my head.

"Not yet." Liam quickly responded, he looked really focused on his TV show, whatever it was.

"Well I'm going to take a nap, wake me up in case it's an emergency." I called down to him.

"You know I will." I closed my bedroom door and changed into pajamas, pulling off my robe and the towel that was wrapped around my head. My wet hair was freezing against my skin as I pulled on my pajamas, which were barely pajamas, a pair of black yoga pants and a dark blue volleyball t-shirt are hardly even pajamas, but they're comfy.

I tossed and turned for a while until I finally fell into a relaxing sleep. After a long day I needed this map. But then I was woken up by someone shaking me. "Liam, what?" I asked as I attempted to open my tired eyes and sit up, "I told you to wake me up if there was an emergency, I was sleeping!"

"It is an emergency, Kourtney, they said Doug had a heart attack, and it's bad."

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