Chapter 9

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"We're back." Brooklyn said as we walked through the front door. "And we brought donuts." He added.

"Donuts?" I heard someone shout from the top of the stairs before I heard someones footsteps as they padded down the stairs.

"Glazed, your favorite, Romeo." Brooklyn said as he opened the donut box that was set on the counter.

"Thanks." Romeo smiled as he grabbed a plate and grabbed a donut.

"Do you want one?" Brooklyn asked me as I sat down at the kitchen island.

"I'm good right now, maybe later." I said, pulling my phone out of my purse. "But thank you."

"Are you going to call your mom?" Brooklyn asked.

"Yeah." I said as I dug into my purse for the piece of paper my mom gave me yesterday.

"I'll give you some privacy." Brooklyn said as he grabbed a donut out of the box and walked out of the kitchen.

"Thanks." I said as I began to type the number into my phone. I hesitating pressing the call button, but then decided to just bite the bullet and get this over with.

The phone rang four times before she picked up. "Hello?" The voice said into the phone.

"Hello, Mom? I mean... Kira?" I said, not sure what I was suppose to call her.

"You can call me mom, I am your mom, Kourtney." She said, relief flowing through my body.

"Okay." I said, putting my left hand on the cold island.

"I want to meet again, I want to know how you've been."

"Me too," I said, starting to tap my fingers on the island. "But I've been okay."

"When can we meet? Is tomorrow good for you?" She asked. I racked my brain to see if I could remember if I had anything going on tomorrow.

"Tomorrow sounds good." I finally said, deciding that even if I did have something going on tomorrow that I can't remember, then I could still probably squeeze my mom into my schedule.

"Good." She said, her voice a little softer, "How does two sound, at my house?"

"Sounds great, i'll see you then."

"See you then, Kourtney."

I hung up the phone and set it down.

"So what did she say?" Brooklyn asked as he walked back into the kitchen and grabbed another donut out of the box.

"Just that she wants to meet me tomorrow at her house, so I should probably get home and explain everything to my dad, he should be home in about fifteen minutes so I should meet him there at about that time, maybe i'll pick up some food so that he doesn't have to take in all the life-changing news on an empty stomach." I said as I stood back up and grabbed my purse off of the stool next to me. I shoved my phone and the piece of paper back into my purse and rustled through my purse, looking for my keys.

"Hey, Kourtney." Brooklyn said to me as I started to walk towards the door.

"Good luck, text me and tell me how it goes, please." Brooklyn said as he handed me a piece of paper that had 'Brooklyn's #' at the top, and a number written under it.

"Thanks, I will." I said, giving a weak smile since I was nervous.

Brooklyn opened his arms and walked towards me, embracing me in a hug. "It's all going to be okay." He said into my shoulder, "I promise."

"Might not want to promise something when you're not exactly sure how it could end up." I said as we both pulled back from the hug.

"I always keep my promises," Brooklyn said as he put his hands on my shoulders once again, "and remember, if anything ever goes wrong, you always have a place to stay and a friend here."

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