Chapter 32

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"I made it." Amelia said through the phone.

"Great, how is it?" I asked her as my mom and I walked towards the big white courthouse.

"Weird," She laughed. "I'm at your grandma's!"

"Our Grandma in a second." I smiled. My mom hit me on the arm. "I mean, you'll see her in a second!"

"You're right, I'd better get going." She hesitated.

"Have fun!" I said, a little too enthusiastically.

"Thanks, Kourt." She said before she hung up the phone.

"All set?" My mom asked me as she struggled to open the heavy doors.

"All set." I said as I walked into the courthouse. People in suits and ties and pants suits and dresses where rushing around everywhere.

"How can we help you?" A skinny, short-haired blonde asked as we walked up to the wooden counter.

"We are attempting to adopt." My mom said.

"You two?" The lady asked with a questioning look as she looked between my mom and I. "She looks a little young to be a parent."

"No, not her." My mom said quickly. "A man named Keith Brooks and I." My mom slid the lady the forms and waited patiently.

She typed the information into the computer for a second then looked up. "So your husband Keith and you are looking to adopt Amelia Roberts?"

"He's not my husband." My mom answered. "But yes."

"It says here that you two were married May 9th and never got a divorce." The lady said, her typing coming to a halt.

"Oh, okay. Yeah, I guess." My mom stuttered. I turned and gave her a 'what?' look, but she disregarded it as soon as I gave it by shaking her head no.

"No issue since the minor has no parents that are able to disagree with it, so let me get this all in and you should have the official adoption form in one to five business days." I read her name tag, 'Willow' was the name on it.

"Thank you so much," I saw my mom's eyes move to her name tag, "Willow".

"Anytime, have a nice day." Willow said from behind us. We gave her a quick, 'thanks, you too!' And continued walking out the courthouse doors.

"That was easy enough." my mom shrugged as we hopped down the five steps.

"Yeah, really easy." I agreed.

"Now, we have the paint, right?" she asked me as she pressed the unlock button on the car twice.

"Yup." I smiled as I got in and tapped the paint bucket.


"Everything is where it is suppose to be, right?" I shouted to my dad and brother as I walked up the stairs, "I have a party to get to in half an hour, come on people!"

"Come and see for yourself!" I heard Liam shout back as I reached for my door knob. I twisted and opened it.

"Oh. My. Gosh." I said in shock. "I love it, she'll love it!" I smiled as I gawked around my room. It looked so different now.

The walls were now a light reddish-pink and there were two beds separated by a night stand. The curtains now matched the wall with flowers on it. There was old furniture from Amelia's room, and some furniture that was already in my room just got switched around.

"You like?" Brooklyn asked.

"I love." I grinned. "I didn't know you came to help."

"Surprise." Brooklyn had paint on his arms and face and his hair was a mess from being in a man bun.

"We have to leave for Harper's birthday party in fifteen minutes, shower and change." I demanded as I pointed out of my door to the bathroom.

"Bossy." He mumbled with a smile on his face as he brushed past me and locked the bathroom door.

"Fifteen minutes." I repeated.

"I heard you, I heard you."

I hated being late. But I also hated this day. July 10th. Sorry, Harper.

I didn't want to bring it up to Brooklyn, but this marked the fact that he left in ten days, July 20th, to go back to England.

Five minutes had gone by, and even though it hasn't been long, I'm inpatient. I made my hand into a fist and pounded on the door. "Let's go, Brooklyn!"

"I'm coming!" He said as he opened up the door. He was currently putting on his socks and shoes. The bathroom was hot because of the steam from the shower. "Pretty dress." He said, talking about the silvery-purple metallic dress I was wearing.

"Thank you, I like your... jacket." I smiled.

"Thanks." he laughed.

"Now let's go, it's not everyday that your little sister turns five!" I smiled.

"Ugh, don't remind me!" He frowned. "She's growing up so fast!"

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