Chapter 11

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"Can I get two scoops of chocolate in a waffle cone please?" I asked as Riley stood at the cash register with her strawberry ice cream, waiting for me.

"Sure thing!" The woman said as she scooped the chocolate ice cream out of the white container.

"Thanks." I said once the woman handed me my ice cream. Riley and I both handed the woman our money for our ice creams.

"No problem." The woman said, smiling. Riley and I walked away from the cash register and sat down in one of the corner booths.

"So talk to me, fill me in."  Riley said as she licked her ice cream.

"Well, my dad and I went to go have dinner with one of his old high school buddies, and I had to go pick up this cake from one of their neighbors, and I saw this woman, and she looked freakishly like my mom, so I said something to my dads friends son, and he made me go talk to her again, and we talked and then she wanted me to call her again, so I called her earlier today and she said she wants me to go to her house tomorrow at two to meet up with her again." I rambled.

"Woah, slow down there, that's a lot in like two days, Kourtney." Riley said, her eyes widening after she listened to everything I said. "Is she nice, has she missed you?"

"I know, I know." I said, licking some of the melted ice-cream that was dripping down the side of the cone. "And yeah, she seems pretty nice, but i'm not exactly sure if she missed me."


"I mean, it was too hard to tell, I don't even know what to think about all of this, it's all happening so quickly."

"I understand."

"Thanks, Riley. But I think i'm just going to go meet her tomorrow and see how everything goes. She says she wants to get to know me and she has asked me how i'm doing, she actually seems like she cares about me. But i'm not exactly sure."

"Have you told your dad about all of this?" Riley asked.

"I can't, i'm too scared."

"You have to tell him, Kourt. You can't keep this from him." Riley said, tilting her head and staring into my eyes. She was serious, which was pretty rare if you knew Riley as well as I do.

"I will, eventually." I frowned. "I'm just not ready yet, okay?"

"Okay. I'm not trying to rush you, this is just a big secret that you're keeping from your dad, and we both know you aren't the best at keeping secrets, especially when it comes to people that you really love and care about. And we also know that your dad's at the top of that 'people you love and care about' list."

I sighed, taking another lick of my ice cream, "I know."

"C'mon, i'll walk you to your car." Riley said as we both stood up from the booth and walked out of the ice cream place, the woman who got us the ice cream quickly saying "have a nice day", as we left.

"Thanks, but you really don't have to." I said as we started walking towards my car.

"I want to." Riley said, linking her arm with mine.

"My cars just around the corner." I said as we started to angle right so we could walk around the corner. "But really, you can go, isn't your car the complete opposite way?" I asked, turning to glance behind me.

"Yeah, it is. Are you sure you're okay to walk to your car?" Riley asked, our arms breaking away from each-others.

"Yeah, i'll be fine... why wouldn't I be?" I asked, one of my eyebrows raising in confusion.

"Just with everything going on, I want to keep you as stable as possible." Riley joked.

"I'll be fine! Don't worry about me!" I said, smiling.

"Okay. Text me when you get home?" Riley asked.

"Totally." I said, smiling as I watched her turn and walk towards her car.

"Kourtney?" Someone said behind me. I whirled around to see Brooklyn on the sidewalk behind me.

"Brooklyn! Hey!" I said, smiling. "What a nice surprise!"

"What are you doing out? How are you doing?" He asked, sticking his hands in his black jeans.

"I was meeting up with my friend, Riley, and i'm doing fine, thanks." I said, a cool breeze messing up my hair.

"That's nice, and that's good, i'm happy you're doing okay." He said, putting his hand on my arm.

"Thank you." I smiled. "But I should really let you get going, I don't want to hold you back from whatever you're doing." I said, stepping out of Brooklyn's way.

"Thanks, but hey, do you maybe want to stop by after you meet with your mom tomorrow?" Brooklyn asked, taking his hands out of his pockets.

"Yeah, sure, i'll come by right after, since you literally live a few houses down." I laughed.

"Great, i'll see you then." Brooklyn smiled as he started to walk away.

"See you then." I said as I once again started to walk towards my car.

"Oh yeah and Kourtney?" Brooklyn said from behind me, causing me to stop in my tracks and turn around.

"Yeah?" I asked, thinking he was going to tell me I dropped something.

"Feel free to text me if you ever need anything, or call, twenty-four seven." Brooklyn said, smiling at me.

"Thanks, you too." I said, smiling back.

"See you tomorrow, right?" He asked.

"See you tomorrow."

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