Chapter 17

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"Dad, hey." I said as I sat in my mom's driveway. It was dark out, since it was already seven. I could hear the music playing from inside my mom's house as I sat there on the phone.

"How's it going?" My dad asked.

"Great, Riley and I are having so much fun, she might even stop by later for some cake."

"That would be fun." My dad said, he sounded bored, which made my heart break. He had planned this whole day for me, to make it special for me, and I was blowing him off for someone who had left me, left us. Someone who didn't even come looking for me, I had to find her.

"I'll be home soon." I said, feeling extremely sad for my dad, why was I doing this to him?

"You better." He joked.  He hung up the phone and I got out of the car, walking up to the house. I knocked on the door, but it swung open when I knocked. Okay, i'll let myself in then. I thought as I walked in.

The music stopped all of a sudden and I stopped in my tracks like a deer in headlights. "Who are you?" A older looking guy asked, he looked about fifty.

"Mom, what is the girl from the ice cream shop doing here?" I heard another voice say, that must be Liam.

"Kourtney, hi." I heard my mom's soft voice say.

"Hi, Kira." I said, not knowing which one to call her.

"Mom," She corrected me.

"Kira?" The older man said, he looked sick and pale all of a sudden, I guess I must have that effect on people.

"Come in and take a seat, we can all talk about this." She said as she lead me to a room off their tv room.

"I really can't stay I have to get ba-"

"Ten minutes." She cut me off.

I didn't want to, but I loosened up, "Okay, I can do that."


"Another kid, Kira, how many kids do you have that I don't know about?" Mr. Roberts, my moms soon-to-be husband asked. He was angry, super angry at my mom. My mom just sat there, her head down with tears occasionally falling into her hands that were clenched together.

It's been like this for half an hour now, my mom had been upset, and her almost husband has been mad. Amelia asked to be excused as soon as this 'family meeting' started, and Liam said he felt sick.

"I should go," I said, standing up. You could take a knife and cut the air it was so awkward in this room.

"Sit." Mr. Roberts demanded. Okay, i'll sit. I thought as I sat down again.

"It's not her fault, Doug." My mom said, her voice sounded different, more weak.

"You're right, Kira, it's yours!" He said, slamming his fist down on the wooden coffee table, causing me to jump, and a glass to tip over on it, spilling water all over the table, dripping onto my shoes.

"I really have to go." I said, more confident this time as I stood up and walked towards the doors.

"Good, you're not welcome here." Mr. Roberts said, his voice was so angry and cold, it gave me chills.

"Doug, no!" My mom said, finally standing up, her mascara was smeared all down her face.

"You're not welcome here either, Kira."

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