Chapter 4

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(Kourtney's POV):

"Brooklyn knows where Mrs. Mace lives, she's just a few houses down on the right." Victoria said while Brooklyn and I walked out the door. "It shouldn't be that long of a walk."

Brooklyn and I walked down the Beckham's long driveway and took a right. "You know what, I don't feel like walking." Brooklyn said, stopping in his tracks.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Come on, lets go get the golf cart out of the garage." Brooklyn said, turning around and walking back up the driveway.

"Okay." I said, turning and following Brooklyn towards the garage. Brooklyn pulled up the garage door, revealing two black cars and a golf cart.

"It's right over here." Brooklyn said, grabbing a set of keys off of the wall and sitting down in the golf cart. "You coming?"

"Yeah." I said as I quickly walked to the golf cart and sat next to him.

"I'm sorry my Mum is making you do this." Brooklyn said as he started the golf cart and drove out of the garage and down the driveway.

"Making me do what?" I asked as I gripped the side bar of the golf cart when Brooklyn made a sharp right turn, almost making me fall completely over into him.

"Woah, sorry." Brooklyn said, talking about the sharp turn he took. "And making you come down here with me, I could have just came by myself while you enjoyed your dinner."

"Oh, no, it really is no big deal, I was done eating anyways." I said, looking at the different houses we passed as he drove on the paved road. We continued to drive in silence until Brooklyn made another right turn into a driveway that must have belonged to the large brick house in front of us.

"This is her house." Brooklyn said before he shut off the golf cart and stepped onto the brick driveway. I debated following him up to the front door or staying in the golf cart before I finally decided on following him. I stepped out of the golf cart and walked down the path to the front door where Brooklyn was standing. Brooklyn knocked on the door four times before taking a step back. The door swung open after a short period of time and a short brunette woman with a bob haircut stood behind the door with a cake in her hands, it looked like it was chocolate cake.

"Brooklyn! I'm so glad you and your family are back in California!" The woman said with a wide smile on her face. "I just thought I would bake a cake for your family." The woman handed the cake to Brooklyn before she folded her hands together.

"Well thank you, very much." Brooklyn said with a bright smile on his face, "We really appreciate it."

"Oh anytime, dear!" She said as she moved a brown lock of hair out of her eyes.

"You have a nice day, Mrs. Hace." Brooklyn said as he backed away from the door and started to walk down the path again, towards the golf cart.

"You too, dear." Mrs. Hace said before the door shut. Brooklyn and I got back into the golf cart and Brooklyn started it again.

"Brooklyn, you're back!" A voice shouted. I looked around and finally saw a blonde girl in the yard to the left waving frantically at Brooklyn.

"Oh gosh," Brooklyn said under his breath. "Hey, Amelia." He said, his voice not very enthusiastic.

"Your family's back!" The blonde girl named Amelia shouted as she stood in the middle of her well kept up lawn. The house behind her had some rock on it and was actually pretty beautiful. (Photo in media slot)

"Um, yeah." Brooklyn said, putting his foot right above the gas pedal like he was going to push it any second. Right after Brooklyn said that, a woman with long black hair that was straight came walking out of the house.

"Hey Amelia, I was just coming out to check on you and see if you needed anything." The woman with black hair, which was a lot like mine said to the blonde girl. "Oh, Brooklyn!" The woman said, acting surprised. "Is your family back?"

"Yeah, we are." Brooklyn said, once again acting annoyed like he was earlier. As the woman turned so that she was completely facing Brooklyn and the golf cart I studied the woman closer.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered, my eyes getting wide as I stared at the woman, "That's my mom."

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