Chapter 29

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"You came!" I laughed as I turned and smiled at my best friend, Riley. "But ouch, that one hurt."

"I was kidding!" She smiled as she gave me a hug.

"Were you though?" I asked her as I pulled back from the hug.

"Maybe, maybe not." she winked. "Why are you hiding out in the bathroom, witch of a step sister causing problems?"

"Amelia? She's cool." I shrugged.

"Cool? Bitch's crazy."

"Riley!" I said, my eyes getting bigger hoping she'd get the hint to keep it down since we're at a funeral.

"Sorry, bitch's crazy." She whispered.

I rolled my eyes at her but couldn't help letting out a laugh, "You're crazy."

"Okay, but so is Amanda."

"It's Amelia."

"That's what I said."

"You said Amanda."

"There's a difference?"

I shrugged in agreement. As we laughed the bells rang that the funeral was about to start. "Should we go?" Riley asked me as she tugged her black dress down.

"I don't want to, but I guess." I sighed.

"I'll sit behind you and if you want to break out and cry, I'll pat your back." She smiled as she shoved me towards the door.

"Wow thanks, what would I ever do without you?" I said sarcastically as I pulled the door handle to open the door.

"You know I think that everyday, too." Riley said, her tone more normal now as we walked towards the funeral room.

I stopped in my tracks, "really?" I asked her with a smile breaking out across my face.

"Yeah." she grinned. "I go, man, Riley, what would Kourtney ever do without you?"

I hit her on the arm and laughed. "Now be serious, we have a funeral to attend."


"Loving husband, father, business owner, friend, Doug Roberts was an all-around good guy. He loved his daughter Amelia and his fiancée at the time of death, Kira."

"I thought they called off the wedding?" Riley whispered in my ear.

"They did, but shh!" I whispered back.

"May you forever rest in peace, Doug. We will love and miss you forever." The man behind the podium stepped down, tears streaming from his face as everyone laid a flower on Doug's grave, one at a time.

I stood there, patiently waiting my turn until it was time for me to set my red rose on his grave.

Many people where crying, some where sad without the tears, and some where still in shock and had no expression whatsoever.

"You kids ready?" My dad asked as he fixed his tie and put his hands on Liam's shoulder, and mine.

"Yeah I think I am." I answered, my eyes glued to Doug's grave.

"I am too." Liam said from beside me.

"Amelia?" My dad asked. Everyone had pretty much cleared out except for two people who were still walking towards their cars.

"I think I'll stay awhile, if that's alright." She answered as she looked at her dad's grave.

"Yeah, that's fine. Dinners at five but there's always leftovers." He smiled as he patted her on the shoulder and started to walk towards our car.

"I won't be late." she smiled. I watched a tear stream down her cheek.

"Bye Melia." Liam said, giving her a hug.

"Bye Amelia." I followed as I gave her a hug, too.

"Bye guys." She answered as she snuffed. I followed Liam towards the car, and Brooklyn was standing relatively close to it.

"We need to talk." was all he said to me.

"I know, you got time?" I asked him as I looked back at Amelia.

"All the time in the world." He responded as he took another step away from my car, almost knocking into a headstone that said, "Lucinda Avon".

"Good, I need you to go talk to Amelia, she's staying for a while and we're heading home to give her some time along with her dad.

"Shouldn't I leave her alone then, too?" Brooklyn said with a confused look on his face.

"No, she likes your company. Now go."

"But we need to talk Kourtney." He protested.

"And we will, later."

"I really like you, Kourtney. And-"

I cut him off, "I know." I said as I went to grab the door handle on my dad's car, "I like you too."

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