Chapter 3

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(Kourtney's POV):

"Dinner's ready." Victoria said as she walked to the table and sat down next to David. The rumbling sound of kids feet on the stairs got louder and louder before four kids came into view.

"Hey, kids, this is my friend Keith Brooks from high school!" David said as the four kids came and sat down at the table.

"Hi." The four kids mumbled at different times.

"He lives here in California," David said to the kids, who seemed less than interested, "Have you ever been to London?" David said, turning and asking my dad.

"Kourtney and I visited once six years ago, but not since." My dad said, laughing at the end of his sentence like he normally did when he was nervous.

"Nice! We come to California every summer and sometimes visit throughout the year." David said, smiling at my dad, then at me. A beep came out of one of the people around the tables phone. "Brooklyn." David said, giving the oldest brunette boy a stern look.

"Sorry." The boy mumbled as he locked his phone and put his elbows on the kitchen table.

"Brooklyn!" David said again, his eyes more narrow and his voice more sharp this time. The boy moved his elbows off of the table and sighed, like he was annoyed. "Sorry, my kids are still a little tired, we have had a long day."

"Oh, it's no big deal, really, we understand." My dad said, patting me on the back. I just smiled to show I agreed with my dad.

David smiled before he stood up and walked into the kitchen area. "Feel free to take whatever food you want, we have lots!" Victoria said as she shoved a wooden spoon into the salad. Victoria sat back down and everyone began to get their food from the many bows and platters of food that were spread across the large table.

"I have this for you." David said, finally coming back to the kitchen table with a white envelope in his hands. He handed the white envelope to me, which caught me off guard. "It's an invitation to our daughter Harper's fifth birthday, I know it's a little ahead of time, but it would be great if you guys could come."

"Yeah, thanks." I said, giving a small smile.

"We'll be there." My dad added, putting his hand on my back.

"Great, we can't wait. It's July 10th." Victoria said as she grabbed some more salad.

"I can't believe my little girl is going to be five!" David said, putting down his fork, a frown spreading across his face. Harper, the little girl with blondish, brownish hair let out a little giggle as she continued to eat the carrots on her plate.

The phone rang in the kitchen and Victoria jumped up to go get it, quickly saying "excuse me for one moment", before disappearing. Everyone at the table continued to eat in awkward silence, almost like no one knew exactly what to say or to talk about. "It was Mrs. Macer from down the street, she said she baked us a coming back cake, and I told her we would send Brooklyn to pick it up." Victoria said as she came back in and sat down.

"Do I have to?" Brooklyn whined as he looked up from his plate.

"Kourtney can do it." My dad said, making me jump because I was surprised.

"Oh, we won't make her do that!" Victoria said, giving Brooklyn a stern look. "Brooklyn will do it, but thank you." She said as she turned and smiled at me.

"Maybe Kourtney can go with Brooklyn to pick them up?" David said, looking at Victoria.

"Sure, that would be great!" Victoria said, smiling at first Brooklyn, then me.

"I'm sure Kourtney would love to." My dad said, making it so that I had both the Beckham parents, and my dad staring at me, waiting for a reaction from me.

"Yeah, i'll go." I said, a small smile spreading across my face. I looked at Brooklyn and he still had an annoyed look on his face, it might not be as fun having to walk to get the cake if the person I have to walk with is a total buzzkill, but I can deal with it.

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