Chapter 18

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Mr. Roberts had walked out the room we were in, leaving me and my mom, who was crying hysterically. "Mom lets go." I said as I grabbed her arm to help her up.

"No, no I can't do this, not on your birthday." She sobbed.

"Mom, lets go!" I said, more harsh and loud this time.

"I have nowhere to go!" She said, she was crying so hard I could barely make out what she was saying.

"We'll find you somewhere, we have to leave though mom, before he comes back and gets even more angry."

"He won't hurt us."

"I never said he would, but we still need to leave!"

"Okay," She whispered as she stood up and followed me out of the room. "Liam." She said, calling him over to her as she grabbed her coat and purse.

"Mom, what the heck?" Liam asked, looking at his mom was concerned eyes. "Mom are you-"

"I'm fine, Liam. But we're leaving." She said as she tied the belt on her purple coat.

"Mom, I can't, I have friends here!" Liam pleaded.

"Then you stay, Liam, but i'm going." She turned, putting her hand on the door knob and turning it. Liam shot me a weird face, but I just shrugged it off.

"No, i'll come with you." I heard Liam finally say as my, I mean our, mom and I were walking to my car. "Party's over guys, thanks for coming!" Liam shouted as he pulled his shoes on and ran out to my car with his coat in his hand.

"Liam you can stay if you want, it's not you that Doug doesn't want here." My mom frowned as she looked out the window. I drove out of her neighborhood quickly, wanting to get her away from that Doug guy as soon as possible.

"Mom I told you he-"

"Not now, Liam, please." She begged with sad eyes.

"Okay." He whispered as he leaned back in the back seat. "I'm Liam." He said when the song 'bad things' ended.

I looked at him through the rear view mirror, "I know." I smiled.


"C'mon, please, my dad will understand!" I said on the porch at my house. "He doesn't hate you!"

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." She said as she clutched her purse, she looked nervous, and still upset from what happened back at her house.

"He doesn't, trust me."

"Am I about to meet my dad? My real dad?" Liam asked as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Our dad, but yes." I smiled as I went to open the door.

"Wait," Liam said, grabbing my wrist so I couldn't twist the door to open it. "Is he nice?"

"He's amazing." I said, giving him a heartfelt grin so that he wouldn't be nervous. "You have nothing to worry about.

I twisted the door and took a step in to my house. "Kourtney, I was getting late, you didn't call and didn't answer my calls."

"I know, i'm sorry dad, I kind of got caught up, but by any chance do we have room for two more?" I asked as I stepped out of the way so that my dad could see my mom and Liam who were still standing on the porch.

"Kira?" My dad said, he looked shocked, like he almost didn't know what to do.

"Keith?" She responded.

"Yeah, um, come in, please." My dad said as he rubbed the back of his neck. He looked at me and gave me a, 'what do you think you're doing look', but I just smiled back.

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