Chapter 31

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A/N: yes I know Brooklyn is already eighteen (he just turned a few days ago!!) But I'm saying he's not just for the book because I don't want him to be yet haha:)


For the past hour, Brooklyn and I talked about him, then we talked about me and my messed up life, then we talked about fun things, like how he would like to live in California when he turns eighteen, and how I want a fluffy dog named Lulu.

"Lulu?" He said between laughs, "What kind of name is that?"

"A cute one for a cute dog." I laughed.

"Is Brooklyn a cute name?" He asked me when he stopped laughing.

"Yeah," I smiled, "for a girl."

He had left around seven, sneaking out while my parents where washing the dishes and Amelia and Liam were cleaning up the counter.

"Great of you to join the party again, Kourt." Liam said to me as I walked back into the kitchen and took a seat on one of the stools. I used to love to sit on these stools and spin when I was younger.

"Here, take one." Liam said as he flung a rag at me, hitting me in the face. "Scrub." The smell of lemon cleaner was now stuck in my nostrils, and I'm not even a lemony person.

"How's Riley?" My mom asked me as I scrubbed at a coffee cup bottom stain on the counter.

"She's good." I smiled.

"We were thinking we were going to put on a movie and have a movie night since it's been a sad day." My dad said, lifting his head up from cleaning the stove. As he lifted his head he hit it on the microwave.

We all erupted into laughter, "Keith, oh my gosh!" My mom said as she examined the bloody cut on the back of his head.

"Ouch, dad." I said, still laughing.

"Liam, grab me a wet rag, please." My mom said as she let my dad sit on a stool, the cut on the back of his head facing her.

Liam rushed to the sink and grabbed a rag below it. He stuck it under the cold water from the faucet before he rung it out and handed it to my mom.

"Ahh," My dad winced in pain when my mom stuck the rag to his head.

"It will hurt at first, but it will be okay." My mom shushed him.

"Mom we should put you through nursing school." Liam joked as he poured me a cup of tea.

"Thank you." I said as he slid it to me. The hot liquid burned my mouth, but I was thirsty.

"Before your dad hit his head, we had news for you guys." My dad said as his head was tilted back into my mom's arms.

"Oh, I can leave if you want." Amelia said as he stood up.

"No, no need to." My dad smiled. "The news is for all three of you."

"What is it?" Liam asked as he tapped his foot on the tile.

"Well, we want to be a family." my mom said, turning and smiling at all of us.

"Please no, this isn't a movie, this is weird!" I said, my jaw dropping.

"Let us finish, Kourtney." My dad laughed. "By that, we mean that we want to become Amelia's legal guardians, not that were getting married!"

"I was going to say, that would be a lot to take in all in one day." Liam exhaled.

"Can we do it tomorrow?" Amelia asked. We all went silent. "As in you become my legal guardians tomorrow?"

"I mean that would be soon but I'm sure we can go down to the courthouse and see what they say, sweetie." My mom smiled. She put a bandage on my dad's head and finally let him sit back up. "Good as new." She smiled at him.

"I want it to be soon as possible, right now I feel kind of lonely and empty." Amelia looked at me.

I gave her a small smile in return and stood up. "I think it's time for me to go to bed, I'm exhausted."

"Amelia can you go grab my charger out of the living room please?" my mom randomly asked her.

"Yeah, sure." She said as she walked out of the kitchen.

My mom and dad both huddled around Liam and I. "Tomorrow we want to send Amelia somewhere for a day and when she comes back we want to have your whole room re-designed so it's both of your rooms." My mom whispered.

Liam, my dad, and I all nodded to show we understood. "Any suggestions of where to send her?" My mom asked as Amelia came back in the room. We all separated so she didn't find anything suspicious.

Liam and I exchanged a quick glance. "Hey Amelia, how do you feel about our Grandma Ruth?"

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