Chapter 14

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"Wow, you really do know your way around this area." Brooklyn joked as we walked out of Valentino's Palace, a restaurant in Los Angeles.

"Well I  have lived here for my whole life." I joked. "Do you like coming to Los Angeles for your summers?" I asked as Brooklyn fixed his hat on his head.

"Yeah, I honestly really like it here." He said as he finally dropped his hands back to his sides. "It's a very nice change from London."

"I always have loved London, and France." I said, smiling.

"You've been to London before, right?" He asked as we walked past a little girl who was crying histericly because her mom wouldn't let her stop to get ice cream at Imogean's Ice Cream Parlor.

"Yeah, once." I said, pushing my purse back up my arm since it was slipping down to my hand. "But I don't really remember it, which is upsetting to me." I laughed.

"How about France?" He asked. "Have you ever been to France?"

"No." I frowned. "I wish!"

"I've been there before." Brooklyn said, my face lighting up when he said it. "A few times, actually."

"Is it pretty there? Is it all the hype everyone makes it out to be?" I asked, now extremely interested in our conversation.

"What's the 'hype' it's made out to be?" He asked, acting a little confused.

"Like amazing food, soft French music that's so pretty it makes you want to stay forever, love in the air, all of that good stuff?" I asked, smiling.

"Well, I guess so. It's a great place." He smiled. "But I guess I've never actually focused on those things."

"Probably because you're a boy." I joked. "Sometimes things can be different to a girl, than to a boy."

"Yeah." He smiled. "So have you told your dad about your mom yet?" He asked, out of nowhere.

"What does my dad have to do with France and boys and girls?" I asked. Brooklyn's face immediately fell and he went pale. "I'm kidding." I said, smiling and touching his arm. A smile spread across Brooklyn's face again... Thank goodness. "But no, I haven't told him yet, but I will soon."

"Do you know when yet?" He asked, finally back to his normal self.

"No." I said, as I looked down at my shoes. "Maybe tomorrow when were celebrating my birthday."

"You are?" Brooklyn asked. He seemed surprised.

"Maybe." I said, my voice getting a little higher. "Maybe not."

"Well if you ever need me there with you to soften the blow when you tell him, I'll be there." He said, grabbing my hand and shaking it as it was linked with his. His hand was quite a bit bigger than mine, but that's normal, since I have small hands, like my mom.

"I'd be more than happy to help out." He said before he let go of my hand.

"Thanks." I smiled. "I might take you up on that offer."

"Whenever you need me, I'm always here." He smiled.

"Here or in England?" I joked.

"If I'm in England, then your father and I can have a nice chat on FaceTime." He said, joking around.

"Oh yeah, because my father would love that!" I said, being sarcastic. "The man sometimes has trouble with toasters, you really can't expect him to be able to FaceTime!"

"I have faith that Mr. Brooks could figure it out, he seems like a pretty smart man." Brooklyn said, looking at me and smiling as we continued to walk down the sidewalk together.

"Yeah, but he is a doctor, so I would hope he would be smart." I said, laughing.

"You seem pretty smart too." Brooklyn added.

"Oh trust me, I'm not smart!" I laughed. That was definitely the first time someone ever mentioned me being smart before.

"Well then you're just pretty." He said, smiling at me. "I'm joking! I'm sure you're very smart, you just don't give yourself enough credit."

"I normally am pretty good at giving credit where credit is due." I said, looking at a girl who passed with a last season navy blue Burberry trench coat on.

"Not saying you don't, just trying to be nice."

"I know. Sorry, I'm just under a little bit of stress with all the stuff with my mom, and not telling my dad, and-"

"Don't worry, I won't make you explain." Brooklyn said, interrupting me. "I'm sure well discuss it later."

"Yeah." I said, a small smile spreading on my face.

"Your dad's really lucky he's the one who got you. Your mom has no idea what she's missing." Brooklyn said, trying to be nice.

"I'm sure the only thing she's missing is her son who spends his time tanning in Cape May." I sighed. "But thanks." I said, trying not to be too tough on Brooklyn, since none of this is even his fault. He's just trying to be nice.

"Well your dad's the lucky one, not Liam, or your mom, or your Grandma Ruth who you said has an evil dog that bites you every time you go to get water." Brooklyn said, joking.

"Yeah." I said, letting out a small laugh. "I don't even get why that dog hates me so much, I've only been up at Cape May like twice!"

"Maybe he hates living with your Grandma and brother." Brooklyn suggested, even though he was just kidding.

"That poor dog has had it rough since the get-go." I said, laughing. "Even his name is awful!"

"What's his name?" Brooklyn asked.

"Mr. Pummelchuck." I laughed.

"What?" Brooklyn asked, confused as he let out a giggle.

"I know. He hates everyone! I mean I was only aloud up there twice because I'm pretty sure my grandma forced my mom to take me up there. But I'm not exactly sure." I said, searching my brain for any memories of my time up at Cape May.

"Did you ever see your brother when you were up there?" Brooklyn asked.

"Nope." I sighed. "Probably his time to go visit my Grandpa in Maine."

"Are your grandparents divorced?" Brooklyn asked. "Sorry if that's too personal."

"No, you're fine." I smiled. "But yeah, they are, they have been for as long as I can remember."

"Oh, I understand."

"Yeah, but here's my car." I said, walking around the car to get into the drivers seat.

"There's something special about you, Kourtney." Brooklyn blurted randomly as I started to drive back to his house.

"There is?" I asked. Wow, this kid was two for two on things nobody has ever told me before.

"Yeah, but I can't quite put my finger on it yet." He said, he looked like he was in deep thought. "But I will, don't worry." He added.

"Oh, I won't." I joked.

"I know I'll find out by the end of the summer." He said, acting confident.

"Okay, but I'm warning you, I'm not a very "special" person." I said, and I was serious! I'm not! "I'm actually pretty boring, and talentless."

"You are not!" He said, leaning back into the seat. "You have to have some talents."

"Please, the only things I can do is say 'I love you' in two different languages, and say 'Merry Christmas' in sign language." I said as I started to laugh at myself.

"See, you are talented!" He said, laughing with me, or at me, it's hard to be sure which one.

"Okay." I said, taking a right into his neighborhood, "whatever you say, Brooklyn."  

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