Chapter 26

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I woke up when I heard the front door open. "Hello." My mom said as she quietly shut the door behind her.

"Hey." I said, my back aching from sleeping on the couch.

"Why did you sleep on the couch?" She asked.

"Liam and I must have fell asleep while watching some movies." I said, turning and looking at Liam, he was drooling on my couch, great.

"Oh." She smiled as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"How are you doing?" I asked as I got up and sat at the kitchen island as she heated up the coffee.

"I'm doing okay." She smiled. "Want some?"

"I'm okay, thanks." I said, shaking my head no. "I'm worried about Amelia." I added.

"Me too, I saw her this morning, she asked if she could stay with Brooklyn, he gets released today." I couldn't help but smile when she said Amelia was still with Brooklyn. "Actually he got released half an hour ago."

"I'm sure he sent you a text, that's so nice of him to make Amelia feel better, she's way more upset than she's showing."

"Yeah, he did text me." I lied, "And yeah, I feel awful for her."

My mom nodded and sat down with her coffee. "Wheres Amelia going to go?" I asked. I didn't want to seem nosy, but I wanted to know.

"Well, the has a choice." My mom said, sipping her hazelnut coffee. "She has to choose between living with us, or going to Ohio with her Grandma."

"What do you think she'll choose?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, but she has to choose by tomorrow."

"Why tomorrow?" I asked.

"It's Doug's funeral, we want it to be small so we're holding it tomorrow at the funeral home by the bank."

"Oh wow, that's soon." I said, readjusting my body on the stool.

"I think it's better so we don't have to wait. We're already all so heartbroken, no need to get heartbroken all over again if we had a later funeral."

"I understand." I agreed. My mom phone dinged and she rushed to her purse to grab it.

"It's Amelia." She said, as she typed back.

"What did she say?" I asked.

"Her and Brooklyn are coming over."

"Oh, well that's good." I said, getting up.

"You okay, Kourt?" My mom asked as I walked towards the stairs.

"Fine." I said as I stopped to shake Liam. "Get up, Amelia and Brooklyn are coming over."

"I'm up, I'm up." Liam said as he swung a pillow at me, hitting me in the face.

"Ouch." I said, hitting him back with another pillow.

"I'm coming after you later when I'm not as tired." Liam pointed at me as he yawned.

"Can't wait." I said sarcastically. I walked up the stairs and opened my bedroom door. It was cold since the window was opened all night. I walked over and shut it, then I grabbed my laptop and sat down on my bed.

After a few episodes of pretty little liars on Netflix, I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in." I said as I passed my Netflix.

"Hey, it's me." Brooklyn said as he wobbled into my room and crutches. He flopped on my bed and held his crutches in his hands. "What's up?"

"Nothing much, what about you?" I asked, about to start my Netflix again.

"Just hanging out." He shrugged.

I wanted to say, 'well could you go hang out somewhere else please?' but I came to my senses before I opened my mouth.

"You're okay with me hanging out with Amelia, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I questioned him.

"I don't know you are just acting weird."

"I'm not, but okay." I sighed.

"I didn't mean it in an offensive way, sorry." he frowned.

"It's fine it's just been a rough two days." I said, putting my head in my hands.

"That's why I'm hanging out with Amelia, I think it takes her mind off what happened. She's still so heart broken, she cried every few hours."

"Poor girl," I frowned. I felt bad for Amelia, i actually did, I don't know what I would do without my dad.

"She said she wasn't even that close with him, though." Brooklyn stated. "He was just all she had."

"Understandable." I frowned.

"Okay drop the 'jealous girlfriend' act, Kourtney, you told me you don't like me so why are you acting like this?" Brooklyn all of a sudden snapped.

"First off, there's no act, two, you said it, not me." I answered.

"Yes you did!"

"No I didnt."

"You did."

"Where's your proof?" I asked him.

He put his hand on my cheek and leaned in. We were so close, I could lean half an inch forward and our lips would meet, but I didn't. "Here's my proof, I feel something, you don't."

"How do you know I don't?" I asked.

"Do you?" he asked me, looking deep into my eyes. I didn't respond so he leaned super close to me again, "do you?"

"Brooklyn we can't, Amelia needs you, not me."

"And I'll be there for Amelia, as a friend." he said, touching my arm.

"You're right, I only like you as a friend, we can't Brooklyn I'm sorry, I just don't like you like that."

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