Chapter 30

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I heard the door open and shut as I was in the kitchen. We had just finished eating tacos, and I was so full I could barely walk.

"Aren't tacos a celebration food?" Liam asked my mom as she sipped her coffee at five forty-five at night.

"Liam!" My mom said sternly, "Today is a very sad day for all of us, don't talk like that."

"Just sayin'." Liam laughed.

"Amelia, honey, is that you?" My mom asked as she leaned back on her stool, as if she could see Amelia from where she is sitting, c'mon mom.

"Yeah, it's me." Amelia said in a sad tone.

"We were worried, you said you were going to call when you were ready to get picked up and it was getting late." My mom said before taking another long drink of her coffee.

"Brooklyn drove me home." She said as she stepped into the kitchen.

"You hungry?" My dad asked her.

"Not right now, but maybe in a little bit, thanks." she answered him.

"No problem." My dad grinned as he turned off the stove.

"Did Brooklyn come in?" I asked.

"No he didn't." Amelia said. A frown went across my face, we were suppose to talk. Maybe he backed out. Maybe he doesn't like me anymore.

my thoughts were interrupted by Amelia, "Kourtney, can you come help me hang this coat up."

"Just put it on the coat rack!" I called back to her.

"I can't, I need your help!" I sighed and hopped off my stool, walking into the foyer area.

"Just hang it up." I said, grabbing her coat from her and slinging it onto one of the hooks quickly.

"Brooklyn's in your room, he needs to talk to you." Amelia quietly squealed. "This is it, Kourtney! This is your time to tell him you like him!"

"I thought you said he left." I questioned her.

"I just said that so your parents wouldn't be in your business and easdropping." She smiled.

"Thank you." I said, giving her a quiet giggle.

"Don't thank me just yet. Get up there and don't screw this up again!" she grinned. "I'll distract your parents for you."

"Mom, Dad, I'm going to quickly FaceTime Riley!" I called out to them from the second step on the stairs.

"Okay, honey." I heard my mom say. Amelia looked back to wink at me as she walked back into the kitchen.

"Actually I am hungry, can you guys make me some tacos?" I heard her ask. I couldn't help but smile.

I jogged up the stairs and turned the knob to enter my room. "Hi." I said as I walked in, the cool breeze and smell of lavender hitting me as I stepped into my room.

"Hey." Brooklyn smiled as he put his hand through his hair.

"We need to talk." I said to him as I took a seat next to him on my bed.

"I know we do." he laughed.

"I like you too." I started. "I only said I didn't like you like that because I didn't want to hurt Amelia's feelings after she had just lost her dad, but I do like you, Brooklyn, I really really do." I said, all in one breath.

Brooklyn just stared at me. "Brooklyn please say someth-"

He cut me off by kissing me. He was actually kissing me. A second or two into the kiss I remembered I had to kiss him back, oops.

"Do I need to say anything else?" he asked me.

"I don't know, an 'I like you too' would be nice." I joked.

"I like you too."

She's Dangerous (a Brooklyn Beckham fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now