Chapter 36

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"Are you sure I can't get you anything?" John asked me as we sat outside my house.

"No, I'll be fine once I get in there and lay down." I said as I held an ice pack to my forehead.

Stupid Carly Keasler was all over Daniel at the dance because everyone knows she's liked him since the third grade, and when Daniel decided to drop the, "I still have feelings for my ex" bomb, Carly turned around and hit me! She actually, full blown, hit me!

"I had a fun night other than psycho Carly K ruining it." John grinned.

"I did too, thank you, John." I said as I learned over and hugged him. "Thanks for the ride, too."

"Anytime." He smiled as I got out of the car.

"And the ice pack." I pulled it off my head and shook it with a smile on my face.

"Anytime." He smiled again.

I waved goodbye one final time as his headlights lit up the road. I made my way to the front door, holding the ice pack up to my head in one hand, and my purple dress up with the other.

"Kourtney, are you alright?" My mom asked me as soon as I walked in. "Gosh we were worried sick about you."

I looked around and saw my mom, dad, Liam, Liam's date Violet, and Amelia all huddled together in the kitchen. "Amelia told us everything." My dad added.

"I'm fine, really." I said, wincing in pain as I took my shoes off. "I just want to sleep."

"Can I look at it?" My mom asked.

"It's just a bruise!" I said, my anger showing. "I got him, not shot!"

"I watched it happen, Carly's crazy." Violet chirped in. "I had a tough time holding your brother back from ripping her head off."

"That bit-"

"Liam!" My mom interrupted him in disgust.

"Can I go to bed? It's been a long night." I asked them, frowning.

They all looked sympathetic, and worried. "I guess, goodnight." My mom said, chewing her index finger nail.

"Goodnight," they all said to me as I slowly made my way to the stairs.

"Night." I answered back.

I went up to my room and plopped down onto my bed. I sighed and grabbed my handbag, searching for my phone in it.

The photo of John and I fell out. The bottom said, "Senior Prom Night, March 5th." In shiny silver letters. I smiled at the photo and put it on my night stand.

I continued my search for my phone until my hand finally landed on it. "Ah-ha." I said to myself, impressed I finally found it.

My head continued to hurt as I scrolled through all the, "are you okay?" Texts. There was even a video of her hitting me on Twitter, great.

I was watching the video of Carly Keasler socking me in the face when a random text from a random number popped up at the top of the screen.

"Your dog is outside. He won't stop barking!!!!!" Was all the text said.

"I don't have a dog." I typed back.

"It says it belongs to you on the collar."

"Impossible." I typed back. If this is somebody else playing with me I'm not going to be ticked.

"Come see for yourself."

I sighed as I typed, "Not in the mood." But I got up anyways and quietly tip-toed downstairs.

Everybody was in the kitchen, eating cookies and talking about Carly Keasler. "Who even is this girl anyways?" I heard my mom ask as I twisted the door knob.

I snuck out and walked into my driveway. "Hello?" I called out. "Hello? Is anyone there?" No answer.

Of course somebody is pranking me, as if I'm not already embarrassed enough.

I sighed and turned back around, stomping my way back to my front door.

As I reached for the knob, I heard it. A bark. A dogs bark.

I swung back around and looked around. "Who's there?" I asked. "Where are you?"

"I'm right here." The person answered. I couldn't see there face since it was so dark, only their silhouette, but I recognized the voice right away.

"Brooklyn?" I asked, my heart pounding faster.

"And your dog." He said, coming into the porch light. He was holding a small fluffy dog.

"I told you, I don't have a dog." I said again, but I held my hand out to pet the dog in his arms anyways.

"Really?" He asked me. "Because her tag says owner: Kourtney Brooks." He said as he looked at the dogs pink collar.

"It must be a mistake." I shook my head as I reached to read the color myself.

"Her name is Lulu." My heart sank.

"You didn't."

"I did." He grinned. "And you obviously did something too, what's that?" He asked me as he pointed at my forehead bruise.

"Long story." I waved him off.

"I've got time. I never realized how dangerous you are, you fight like this everyday, killer?" He asked me, laughing. I didn't laugh. "Prom?" He asked, calming down again.

"Yeah." I said as I looked down at my dress. "Long story short, this girl liked a boy I used to date, and he told her he still likes me, and so she hit me."

"Ouch. Who's the boy?" He asked as he stroked Lulu's fur.

"His names Daniel, we dated for five months and just recently broke up."

Brooklyn got a weird look on his face. "Oh, cool."

"Yeah." I said, shivering from the cold wind.

"Well, I remember you saying you wanted a dog named Lulu, and I wanted to move here when I turned eighteen." Yesterday was his birthday, I totally forgot. "So I guess I better continue to unpack." He pointed at the house across the street, a moving van was parked in the driveway.

"No. Freaking. Way." I said in disbelief as he handed me Lulu.

"Way." He laughed.

He turned to start walking towards the small house that was across the street. It had been on the market for as long as I can remember. "Thank you." I said to him as his image continued to disappear more and more into the darkness.

"Can I ask you something before you go back inside?" Brooklyn asked me.

"Make it quick, I'm freezing out here." I joked.

"Do you still like me? I know it's been a while but,"

I thought for a second. I do still like him, but it's really soon and I'm so used to thinking that I don't like him. But do I really need to do that anymore since he's now here and we can hang out again without him having to leave after summer's over?

I snapped back to reality and realized he was staring at me, waiting for an answer. "Yeah, I do." I said, petting Lulu.

"Good, I like you too." I heard him say. Even though I couldn't see him, I knew he was smiling. "I hope it will work out this time."

I nodded I'm agreement and turned around to head back into the house when he stopped me again.

"Actually, I know it will work out this time."

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