Chapter 16

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"Will you please tell me where we are going?" I asked my dad, getting impatient as I tapped my fingers on my thighs. I couldn't see a thing, since I was blindfolded, but I did know we had been driving for a while.

"Not yet, we're almost there, stay patient." He laughed.

I lost my patience a long, long time ago. "I'm trying."

I heard my dad pull to a stop and shut the car off, "Eleven years ago today, you told me you wanted to come here instead of a restaurant for your birthday. We had it all planned out, a spectacular day for you, but you just wanted this. You can take off your blindfold now."

"West Branch Park," I said as I pulled up the blindfold so it now looked like an ugly headband that was messing up my hair.

"You remembered!" My dad smiled.

"How could I forget?"

"You said, 'dad, I don't want all this. I want you, and me, I want you to push me on the swings so high I feel like i'm flying, like an astronaut-'"

"Wait no, like a flight attendant." I said, finishing the sentence I said as a child, I remembered how I mixed up astronaut and flight attendant all the time, usually my dad would correct me, but this was my sixth birthday. and I was going to correct myself like the big girl I thought I was.

"You mean the world to me, Kourt." My dad smiled as he pulled me into a hug.

"You are my world, dad." I said as I squeezed his shoulders as we hugged.

"Me and you, Kourt."

"You and me, dad."


(three hours later)-

"Oh, Kourt, your dress is all dirty now!" My dad exclaimed as we walked back into our house. We had spent three hours at the park playing around like we used to as a kid, and I can't think of a birthday I've had this much fun at. but the night wasn't over yet, it was only five o'clock in the afternoon and I still had so much to do.

"That's okay, it will come out in the wash." I said, not wanting him to worry even though some of these mud stains looked impossible.

"Hey, dad, I promised to meet up with Riley, would you be upset if I went?" I asked.

"No, not at all. Home by eight?" He asked, "We can eat cake and open presents then."

"Okay, thanks." I said, giving my dad a small smile. I touched my dad's arm, "love you dad."

"Love you, Kourt." He said as he pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge and sat down at the kitchen table.

"I'll be back soon, okay?" I asked.

"Eight o'clock." My dad smiled. I grabbed my purse off the chair next to the door and ran out to my car.

I had to meet up with Riley downtown, meet with my mom and actually meet my twin brother, and stop in at the Beckham's all before eight.

I practically ran to my car, starting it and backing out of my driveway like a bat out of hell.

"I'm on my way." I said to Riley on the phone as I took a sharp turn.

"How far?" Riley asked.

"Just one more turn." I said, ending the call and making another sharp turn into the parking lot. I pulled into a parking space, or two, I didn't really spend time checking, I didn't have time.

"Woah, Kourtney, what's the rush?" Riley asked as I ran up to her as she stood by the store door. She had a present wrapped in gold sparkly wrapping paper in her hands. "It's not everyday a girls bff turns seventeen!" She said, shaking the present.

"Sorry, busy busy day." I said as she held the door open for me to go in.

"Ice cream, again." Riley smiled as we went up to the counter to order. 

"Um, excuse me?" I said after waiting at the counter for a few minutes. I did not have time for these people to talk about this worker kid's birthday.

"It's that guy's birthday too," Riley whispered in my ear, pointing to the worker.

"I know, but not an excuse for them to take forever to take my stupid order!" I said, aggravated.

I stood there, tapping my foot at the counter, waiting for them to finish talking about the kids birthday. I get it, dude, it's your birthday, it's mine too! Can you take my order now? "You have a good birthday okay, Liam?" Mr. Hill, the owner of my favorite ice cream shop since I was a kid said to the boy with the black hair.

My heart dropped as the boy took off his apron and politely said, "Thank you." To Mr. Hill. "You okay?" Riley asked, but I just ignored her, "Kourt?"

"I'm fine." I said, shrugging her off. "Actually, I think i'm going to be sick." I said, turning and walking towards the door. "Order me a mint chocolate chip in a waffle cone." I said as I ran towards the door.

"The usual, got it." Riley said, she knew something was up, but she didn't ask.

I ran out to my car, feeling like I was about to throw up. Why me? Why on my birthday? I sat in my car, my head on my steering wheel, ready to cry when I heard a knock on my car window.

I rolled down my window, "thank you." I said as I got out of my car and grabbed my ice cream from Riley.

"Are you pregnant?" Riley asked as I was mid-lick.

"What? Riley, What? No!" I said, shaking my head.

"Kourtney, you can tell me, I won't judge you!" She said, putting her hand on my arm.

I hit her hand off, "Riley, i'm. not. pregnant. no baby. not with child!" I said, trying my hardest not to shake her until all the dumb thoughts came out of her head.

"Okay, got it." She put her hands up in surrender.

"I really should get going to my moms." I shrugged.

"Your moms?" She asked, her mouth wide open, "Today?"

"I promised." I said as I got into my car, my ice cream melting in my hand.

"What are you doing, Kourtney? Why are you doing this? This isn't you." I know Riley isn't the biggest fan of my mom since she left us, but she could still be supportive, I mean she is suppose to be my best friend.

"She's my mom, Ry, you out of all people should understand that."

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