Chapter 2

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(Kourtney's POV):

"Who is this guy anyway?" I asked as I touched the small bun in my hair.

"His name is David Beckham, he's an old friend of mine from high school." My dad said as he looked in the mirror.

"You look fine, don't worry." I joked as I stood behind my dad, looking in the mirror.

"High school fine?" My dad asked, joking around.

I laughed and smiled, "Maybe not high school fine, but father of a sixteen year old fine."

"Father of the most amazing sixteen year old in the whole entire world." My dad said as he turned around and kissed me on top of my head. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah." I smiled as I looked down at my light pink layered dress.

We walked out the door to my Dad's black Tahoe and got in. "I still can't believe you were friends with David Beckham." I said, trying to make some small talk as my dad started to pull out of the driveway.

"Why? Is it really that hard to believe?" My dad said as he laughed.

"No, that's not what I meant!" I laughed, hoping my dad didn't take it the wrong way.

"It's okay, Kourtney." My dad said as he turned and smiled at me. "So you haven't told me much about your vacation to Cape Cod with Riley and the rest of the Brown family."

"Oh, we just stayed up at the Brown's house in Cape Cod for the week since school just ended and it was fun, Riley and I both had a real fun time, and i'm pretty sure her parents had fun up there too, her parents even went tubing with us!" I said as I started to giggle, remembering everything that happened.

"Well i'm glad you had a good time." My dad smiled. We took another right turn into a neighborhood that was filled with large white houses.

"Yeah..." I said as I looked around the familiar looking neighborhood. "Um, Dad?" I asked, uncertain if I should even ask the question.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Isn't this the... um, the neighborhood that mom lives in?" I asked, looking around for a house I recognized. "Uh, my mom?"

My dad's face fell. "I think so, maybe."

"Sorry for bringing it up." I said, feeling bad. I hate bringing up my mom. Ever since the divorce seven years ago when I was nine, when my mom dumped my dad leaving him with a nine year old daughter to take care of and raise when my dad works as a full-time doctor, my dad has always been a little uneasy when I mention my mom.

"You're fine." My dad said, giving me a small smile.

"Okay." I said, looking out the window at the green, perfectly mowed lawns.

"I guess this house is their's." My dad said as we pulled up to a large white house that had flowers planted all the way up to the front door.

"This will be fun, Dad." I said, trying to cheer him up.

"Oh, Kourtney." My dad said, letting out a small chuckle, "You've always been so positive, it's what I've always loved about you." He said, grabbing my hand and squeezing it as he parked the car. I smiled at him and then I opened my door and stepped out, my silver Marc Jacob sandals smacking against the concrete. I followed my Dad as we walked down the concrete walk up to the white front door.

My Dad's right hand made a fist and he knocked on the door twice before the door swung open. Behind the door was a tall super-thin woman with her brunette hair pulled up in  a bun.

"Hello! You must be Keith Brooks!" The woman said as she opened her arms wide, giving my Dad a hug. "I'm David's wife, Victoria."

"I've heard about you! It's very nice to meet you!" My dad said, smiling.

"You too!" Victoria smiled, "And you must be the gorgeous sixteen year old daughter!" Victoria said, turning to me and smiling. "What's your name?"

"Kourtney." I said, my hands folded together, my palms sweating from being nervous.

"Well Kourtney, it's very nice to meet you! Come in, please!" She said as she stepped out of the way of the door, inviting us in. "Kourtney, I have a son your age, he should be down in a second, maybe you two could become friends."

"Yeah, maybe." I said, following behind my dad.

"David's in the kitchen, the boys and Harper should be down in a minute, feel free to take a seat."

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