Chapter 15

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"That dress is beautiful." My dad said as I walked into the kitchen with a flower patterned dress that he had bought me on, the back of my dress tied in a perfect bow after ten tries in the mirror, losing a little bit of hope each time i had to re-tie it.

"Thank you!" I smiled as I grabbed a mug out of the cupboard and poured myself a cup of coffee, adding two hazelnut creams and watched the black coffee turn to a medium brown as the creams mixed in.

"So where were you at yesterday?" My dad asked as he flipped through the paper, his glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose as he read an article about a forest fire that happened a couple days ago. I had watched the story on the fire on the news.

"I was hanging out with that oldest Beckham kid... Brooklyn?" I said, acting like I was unsure of his first name so that my dad didn't ask any more questions.

"Oh, nice!" He smiled. "I'm glad there is a friendship forming between the two of you."

"Yeah, he's okay, i guess." I said as i took a small sip of my coffee and  set it back down, making a thud when it hit the counter.

"I have a surprise for you!" My dad smiled as he stepped through the glass double doors that separated the kitchen from his office. He returned with a big box that was wrapped in pink wrapping paper, the words "Happy Birthday" and different colored macaroons all over the paper.

"For me?" I asked, surprised.

"Well I don't know anyone else whose seventeen birthday is today." My dad said with a chuckle. I wanted to say, 'your son?', or 'How about Liam?', but backed out before I even opened my mouth to say them.

"Thank you." I finally said after a long pause, my dad had a concerned look on his face, that turned into a small smile when I thanked him.

"You're welcome." He smiled as he pulled out his phone out of the back of his jeans pocket. "Open it." He smiled.

I looked down at the wrapped present and started to rip the paper off of it, revealing a box under it. "I really hope you like them." My dad said, acting excited and nervous at the same time. I could tell because when he's nervous he wipes his hands on his pants in attempt to remove some of the sweat. Inside the box was matching navy blue shorts and a crop top that had flowers on them, and a white dress that had large purples flowers on it.

"I remembered that you like flower-printed clothes." My dad said, a wide smile on his face as I held up the dresses and looked at his phone camera as he snapped a few pictures.

"Awh, you're the best dad." I said after he finished taking the pictures. I walked over to him and gave him a big hug.

"I can't believe my little girls already seventeen," My dad said, his voice cracking like he was about to cry, "I wish you could've just stopped growing when you were nine."

"Hold it in, Dad." I giggled, "Don't cry."

"I'm trying my hardest not to!" He said as he joked and faked wiping a tear away from under his eye. "But we have a special day planned for you, so there's no time for tears!"


Hey guys, sorry I didn't update this book in a really really long time! But I've been so so so busy with school and my birthday is coming up soon and I've been spending a lot of time with my friends which I know isn't an excuse, but I just wanted to say i'm so sorry and I will try my absolute hardest to be active again!

Much love, 

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