Chapter 35

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"Uh-meal-e-yuh!" I called again. "Where the heck is my toothbrush?"

"I let Madilyn use it, sorry." She frowned.

"Why would you do that?"

"She needed one."

"She should have brought her own."

"Can you guys not argue for one day?" Liam added in, his hair ruffled. "Gosh Kourtney, she's been our sister for six months and you're already going to chop her head off."

"Seven." I corrected him. "It's February."

"Almost March, idiot." He argued as he shoved past me to get to the bathroom.

"That would make it eight months." I said with a confused look on my face. I shrugged and decided not to even try to understand what was going on in his mind.

"I'm going dress shopping for prom today, wanna come?" Amelia asked me.

"No thanks, I already got my dress." I declined.

"You're wearing the same dress?" Amelia asked me, shocked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"

"Well I just thought after you and Daniel, you know, broke up." She whispered the 'broke up' part like it was some huge secret.

The bathroom door swung open, "You and Daniel broke up?" Liam asked, his mouth wide open.

"You already knew we did!" He shot him a disgusted look, "And quit eavesdropping please, it's really getting annoying."

I walked down the stairs and Amelia followed me. "How are you doing with the whole break up?"

"Fine." I shrugged. "It was time to break up, we just weren't feeling it anymore. It was, boring."

"But you loved him." Amelia frowned.

"I liked him." I corrected her. "We only dated for five months."

"Who are you going to prom with now?" She asked me. "You can third wheel me and Madilyn." She winked.

"That sounds great, but I Leads promised John I would go with him." Amelia smirked at me so I added, "As friends. He's my best friend, don't do that."

"Have you talked to Brooklyn recently?"

"You ask sooooo many questions Amelia, oh my gosh." I rolled my eyes and laughed as I pulled out the peppermint creamer and poured it into my coffee.

"Well, have you?"

"Not since Christmas, what about you?"

"Not since July, when he left." She laughed.

"You have his number, don't you?" Amelia nodded in response. "Text him."

"Why don't you?"

"We're both busy."

"Yeah, sure." She joked.

"No really, I mean yeah, we're still friends but friends don't have to talk everyday."

"You and Riley do."

"Riley''s my best friend, Brooklyn's just my friend."

"Or is he more than a friend? What ever happened with you two?"

"We agreed we kind of just like each other as friends." I smiled. "It wouldn't have worked out anyways with him living in England, and me here."

"Did you tell him about Daniel?" Amelia asked.

"Why would I?"

"Why wouldn't you?"

"I asked you first." I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Just because he would probably and to know that you are happy and had a boyfriend, maybe he has a girlfriend!"

"Maybe," I sipped my coffee. "We would probably see it all over the news though and social media."

"He's a Beckham, sometimes I forget." I nodded and smiled. "I better get going, I'm dress shopping then visiting my dad at the cemetery then grabbing some Arby's, what do you want from there?"

"A new toothbrush. One that doesn't have Madilyn's slobber and germs on it."

"I don't think that's on the menu." She answered. "But I'll ask."

She's Dangerous (a Brooklyn Beckham fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now