Chapter 13

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"I don't believe you." I said, my head spinning.

"I'm telling you the truth, all of the truth." My mom said, reaching out to grab my hand, but I pulled it away.

"Okay, so you and my dad split up, you lived in a tiny house, you worked at a coffee shop, now you're engaged to your boss who has a fifteen year old daughter - fifteen in may - and I have a brother." I said, putting my right hand on my forehead.

"I'm not lying to you, Kourtney." She said, staring at me.

"Stop, please!"

"Why?" She asked.

"Because, my head might explode!" I whaled.

"Just give me a chance to explain this to you, all of this." She said, sliding her tea to the side and folding her hands together with her elbows on the table.

"Fine." I said, my head pounding.

"When you were five, you asked me why you've never seen any baby pictures of you." She said, taking a deep breath. "I told you it was because they were all in photo albums, but it's actually because of your brother... your twin brother." 

"Twin? I don't have a twin, that I know for sure." I said, hot tears streaming down my cheeks.

"He lived with your grandma at her beach house in Cape May, New Jersey." She said, a painful look on her face. "We thought it was best for him, because your father and I were having problems. I decided to send him there so that when I was finally ready to go get him, Liam would be with me, and you would stay with your dad."

"That makes no sense, why didn't you ever tell me?" I asked, shaking my head.

"Because your father and I wanted to get a divorce, and we thought since we had two kids, then each of us would get one, and there didn't have to be any court problems."

"Does he know about me?" I blurted out. "Liam?"

"No, he doesn't. He lives with me here, he's coming back tomorrow, if you would like to meet him." She said, a weak smile on her face.

"I can't tomorrow, it's kind of a busy day for me." I frowned. "Not that I don't want to meet him, I really do. It's just, tomorrow is..."

"Your birthday." She said, interrupting me. "I can't believe I forgot that. The whole reason he's coming back from Florida tomorrow is for his birthday... your birthday."

"Yeah, I was hoping that even though you've been M.I.A for about half of my life, you would still remember your own daughters birthday." I said as I stood up.

"Stop by tomorrow for your birthday, say you're going to the Beckham boys to pick up a gift quickly. I want you to see your brother for your seventeenth birthday, i'll even have a gift for you, and a slice of cake... chocolate ice cream cake, if that's still your favorite." She looked broken.

"I'll try." I said as I walked towards the door. "See you later, mom. And tell Liam... Kourtney Brooks says happy birthday."

"I will." She said, smiling as I walked out the door.

I got into my car and drove a little ways down to the Beckham's house. I parked in their driveway and walked up to the front door, knocking as soon as I got up there.

"Hey, what's up?" Brooklyn asked as he opened the door. He was all sweaty and gross, like he just ran a marathon. "Sorry, I was just working out." He added, like he was reading my mind.

"Oh, it's cool." I said, standing on their porch still.

"If you want to continue working out, you can." I said, feeling like I was interrupting him. "I can go, it's really no big deal. I don't want to interrupt."

"No, please, come in." He said, moving out of the way so I could come into the house.

"Okay." I said, walking in.

"I'm going to go take a quick shower, since i'm all sweaty." Brooklyn said, shutting the door behind me. "If you want you can grab something to eat and drink out of the fridge."

"Okay, thanks." I said, walking into the kitchen and sitting at the island. I heard Brooklyn walk up the stairs to go shower and I pulled out my phone.

"Did you get my early seventeenth birthday presents? Hope you like them! Love, Dad."

The one missed text I had from my dad said. He was the one who sent me the package with the two dresses in it, I thought it might be him.

"Love them, and you! Hope work is going well! Xoxo, Kourt."

I pressed send and looked through Instagram and twitter, searching for something to do while I waited for Brooklyn to get done showering.

After about ten minutes, Brooklyn came down the stairs with wet hair. "Hey." He said, opening the fridge to get two water bottles. "Sorry, I tried to hurry." He said as he slid a water bottle to me.

"Thanks, and no, you weren't even gone that long." I said, even though it felt like he was gone for an hour as I swiveled in circles on the stool, bored.

"So how did it go?" He asked as he opened his water bottle and took a long drink. "With your mom today?"

"I'm not exactly sure. I found out some stuff that I didn't really want to know." I said, holding the water bottle in my hands.

"Like what?" He asked, setting his water bottle down.

"I have a twin brother." I blurted, not even thinking.

"You what?" Brooklyn asked, almost choking on the water that was in his mouth.

"I have a twin brother, his name's Liam." I said, looking down at my water, like I always do when i'm in a conversation that I don't even want to be in. "I've never met him, or really even seen him. He's lived in Cape May with my Grandma Ruth."

"Will you ever be aloud to meet him?" Brooklyn asked.

"Yeah, tomorrow."

"Whoa, tomorrow?" Brooklyn asked. "Sorry, that's just sooner than I thought."

"I know, but it's the only day I actually have in common with him."

"In common?"

"It's my birthday. Our birthday." I said, correcting myself as I remembered I have a twin brother. It was going to take a while to get used to that thought.

"Really? Well happy early birthday." He smiled.

"Thank you." I said, giving a small, weak smile back. "I'm just hoping by tomorrow i'll be in more of a party mood." I joked.

Brooklyn laughed. "What are you doing for your birthday?" He finally asked after we both stopped laughing.

"Probably going to meet up with Riley my best friend for a little while, then meet up with my mom because she asked me to quickly stops in, but i'll probably do that at night after i'm done celebrating with my mom." I rambled, trying to think of anything else I had to do tomorrow.

"You should try to fit me into your schedule when you meet up with your mom, if you can." Brooklyn said, smiling.

"I'll try." I said, smiling.

"Have you eaten anything yet today?" Brooklyn asked as he finished his water bottle.

"No, not yet." I smiled. "What about you?"

"Nope, but we're about to." He smiled. "C'mon, i'm starving."

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