Chapter 5

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(Kourtney's POV):

"What did you just say?" Brooklyn asked as he turned his head and stared at me with a confused look on his face.

"Um, I think I am going to walk back to your house, i'm not feeling good." I said as I turned to step out of the golf cart.

"No, i'll drive." He said before he turned his head back to look at the blonde girl and the woman who looked exactly like my mom. "We have to head back, but it was really nice seeing you again."

"You too, Brooklyn." The long, black-haired woman said with a bright smile plastered on her face.

"See you later, Brooklyn!" Amelia, the blonde haired girl who looked about my age said, with the widest smile I have ever seen spread across her face. Brooklyn smiled at them one last time before he slammed his foot down on the gas pedal, making my back slam against the seat.

"Ouch." I whispered, pain shooting up and down my back.

"Sorry." Brooklyn mumbled as he began to speed down the road, back to his house. We sat in silence until he pulled up the driveway and back into the garage. He shut off the golf cart and hung the keys back up. I quickly grabbed the cake off the seat and ran to the front door of the house, my flip flops almost falling off a couple times as I ran. "Hey!" I heard Brooklyn shout from the garage, but I completely ignored him as I made my hand into a fist and knocked on the front door twice.

"Kourtney, hey!" Victoria said as she opened the door, a smile spreading across her face.

"Um, hi, I have the cake." I said, shoving it forward for her to take out of my hands. "Where's Brooklyn?" She asked as she grabbed the cake from my hands and stepped out of the doorway so I could come in.

"He's parking the golf cart." I said as I walked in and back to my seat.

"You're back!" My dad said as he smiled at me and moved his chair over to give me more space as I sat down.

"Y-yeah." I said as I folded my hands in my lap and stared down at the wooden table.

"Kourtney, are you okay?" My dad asked, his eyes narrowing.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just tired."

Brooklyn walked in after I said I was tired and sat back down at his seat, then he leaned to the left and whispered into the little girl, Harper's ear. After Brooklyn was done whispering in the little girls ear, the little girl sat straight up in her chair with a big smile on her face. "Mum?" The little girl asked, shooting a glance at Brooklyn for a second.

"Yes, Harper?" Victoria said from a different room.

"Can Kourtney stay over tonight?" Harper asked. My stomach dropped and I stared at Brooklyn, but he was looking down at his phone.

"Sure, if she wants to, honey." Victoria answered.

Harper looked at me from the other end of the table and made a puppy dog face, "please?"

"Do you want to, Kourtney?" My dad asked, putting his hand on top of mine.

"Um, sure?" I said, not sure whether to say yes or no.

"Great." David said, taking a sip out of his water glass.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I have an appointment with a patient in an hour, I should get going. Want to ride back with me to get some clothes, then you can drive back here?" My dad asked as he stood up and pushed in his chair.

"Yeah, sure." I said as I quickly stood up and pushed my chair in too.

"Thanks so much for coming, Keith, It was really great catching up with you." David said as he stood up and shook my dads hand.

"You too, David."

"Oh and Kourtney, we'll see you in a little while, right?" David asked, smiling at me.

"Yeah, i'll be back right after I get some overnight clothes." I said, smiling back.

"Great, we'll see you soon." David said as I followed my dad out the front door and to our car.

"It was very nice of them to invite you to stay the night." My dad said as we both shut our doors and my dad started the car.

"Yeah." I said as I looked down at my hands. "Dad?"

"Yeah, Kourt?" My dad asked as he turned and looked at me, a concerned look spreading across his face, "What's wrong?"

"I think I saw mom."

"You what?" My dad asked, as he slammed on the breaks to stop at a red light, forcing the both of us to jolt forward.

"She lives next to that lady that gave the Beckham's the cake, I think." I said, my voice getting softer because I was scared about how he would react.

"We can talk about this later, Kourtney."

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