Chapter 24

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"You can't be serious?" I asked as I jumped out of bed. "How bad?"

"Bad." Liam said as he ran out the door. "Where are your keys?" He asked from downstairs.

"In my purse next to the door." I responded as I ran down the stairs, still super tired and off balance. I slid on a pair of ugg boots and ran out the door after him.

"Can I drive?" Liam asked.

"Sure, just go." I demanded.

"He's at the hospital right now, my mom, our mom just said to get there as soon as possible."

"Liam, Kourtney!" My mom said as she stopped biting her nails to hug us. "I'm so glad you came!"

"Of course we would, mom." Liam said as we pulled back from the hug. "Any news?" She shook her head no.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Amelia called me and said her dad wasn't feeling very good and didn't go to work, so she asked if I could come over and maybe take him to the doctors, but when I went into his room he was on the floor, he had collapsed there a little while before." She whispered to us.

"That's awful." I frowned, I turned and saw Amelia sitting in one of the waiting room chairs, reading the same magazine as I had earlier, the one with Selena Gomez on the cover. Her hair was a mess and she didn't have any makeup on since all of it came off with the tears, her eyes were puffy and she looked sick to her stomach.

"Yeah, it is, I'm really worried, they won't let anyone see him yet."

"Do you think he'll die?" Liam asked.

"Liam don't say that honey, not here."

I walked over to Amelia and took a seat next to her, "Hi." Was all I said to her.

She jumped when I said it, "oh, hi."

"I'm sorry about your dad."

"Thanks." She said, giving me a small smile. "You're the girl who was with Brooklyn, you're Kira's daughter, Liam's twin."

"That's me." I smiled.

"Are you like, with Brooklyn?" She asked.

"No, just friends." I said, feeling heartbroken for her. "He's really nice, but I don't like him like that, and he doesn't like me like that."

"Yeah, he's my neighbor but only in the summer time."

"I heard." I grinned, happy she was smiling a little bit. "Kourtney, right?"


"Kourtney, do you think my dad is going to die?" She asked me. My heart dropped, I didn't want to answer, I didn't even know the answer.

"I don't know, I really hope not." I frowned. I had no idea what I would do if he died, it's just a heart attack, he won't die, right?

"I think he's going to die." She said, choked up, I could see the tears at the edge of her eyes, ready to fall.

"Hey, don't say that, not here." I said, repeating my mom as I put my hand on her arm, "It will all be okay."

"I wish they would let me see him." I nodded in agreement, I wish she could see him too.

A doctor walked out, a clipboard in his hand and sweat dripping on his forehead, "Miss Roberts?" He asked. I looked around, Amelia? "Me. Roberts daughter, is she here?"

"Yes, I am." Amelia said as she stood up next to me. I looked up at her, her hands were clenched, she was nervous.

"Please come this way." The doctor said, pointing towards the long hallway of hospital rooms.

Amelia followed him a little ways away from us so nobody could hear what the doctor was saying to her. He must have survived, Amelia would be crying. "He's her immediate family." My mom said to me to answer my questioning look on why she wasn't back there listening to the doctor, too.

I heard a loud sob, we all looked down the hall at Amelia, she was slumped onto the floor, I spoke too soon.

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