Chapter 10

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"Hey dad, are you home?" I asked as I walked into my house, shutting the door behind me.

"Yeah, sweetie, i'm in here." My dad shouted from his office.

"I brought food." I said, setting it down on the kitchen counter before I walked to my dads office. "What's up?" I asked.

"Just got home from work, what about you? How were the Beckham's?" He asked.

"Just picked up food," I said, looking back towards the kitchen, "and it was good, fun." I said, smiling.

"That's good, i'm glad you had a good time, but thank goodness, because i'm starving!" My dad said as he stood up from his office chair and following me into the kitchen.

"Where's your food?" My dad asked as he pulled the sandwich and the fry I got him out of the bag.

"Oh, I already had donuts at the Beckham's." I said, leaning onto the counter.

"Okay." My dad said as he started to eat his food at the counter. "Kourtney, honey, is something wrong? Is there something you would like to tell me?"

My heart dropped, there was something I wanted to tell him, and I had to tell him, it wasn't fair for me to lie to him, especially since he is the person that has always been there for me, "no, nothing that I can think of." I finally said. I'm just not ready to tell him, I mean, I don't think i'm even ready to meet my mom, and i'm really not in the mood to ruin my dad's lunch, and day, or week, or month, or however long it would take him to get over this. I mean, it did take him seven plus years to get over my mom, and i'm not even sure he's exactly over her yet.

"One second, I should probably get that." My dad said, pulling me from my thoughts.

"What?" I asked, confused. Then I heard the phone ringing in my dads office. "Oh, okay." I said after I knew what he was talking about.

I heard my dad pick up the phone and start talking to someone, but it was hard to understand what he was saying. I pulled out my phone and the piece of paper Brooklyn gave me and typed in his number, then I typed a message to him.

"Hey Brooklyn, it's Kourtney. Backed out of telling my dad about meeting with my mom, too scared."

Then pressed send and locked my phone, waiting for a response. My phone beeped about a minute later, and it was Brooklyn.

"No big deal, if you're not ready, you're not ready. You'll be ready eventually, no need to rush it. -Brooklyn"

"Thanks for being there for me, Brooklyn. I really appreciate it."

"Anytime, Kourtney. Hope we can hang out soon."

"Kourtney, i'm sorry sweetie but I have to head into work again, I forgot I had an appointment scheduled with Mrs. Rudder and I really don't want to make her reschedule since she's already at the hospital." My dad said as he walked back into the kitchen from his office and grabbed his keys off of the kitchen counter.

"It's fine dad, you should go, i'll be fine." I said, setting my phone face-down on the counter.

"Thanks for understanding, sweetie." My dad said as he kissed me on the forehead and walked out the back door.

I picked up my phone again and went back to my messages. I opened my conversation with my best friend Riley and started to type.

"Can we meet? I found my mom again. -K"

My heart raced while I waited for Riley's response, hoping she would agree to meet me, not that she ever wouldn't. Riley's my best friend, just i'm scared how she'll react to me meeting up with my mom again yesterday, and me planning to meet up with her again tomorrow.

"Of course. Our favorite ice cream place on Juliard street in fifteen? -Riley"

"I'll be there."

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