Chapter 12

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"Good morning, sunshine." My dad said as he opened my blinds, letting in the extremely-bright sun.

"Good morning, but can you please shut the blinds?" I asked, covering my eyes, "Too bright!"

"You need to wake up, it's twelve o'clock, i'm about to head into work, Kourt." He said as he stood up and walked towards my bedroom door. "I'll see you later, okay? I love you."

"Okay. I love you too." I said as I shoved my head in the pillows, trying to escape the light.

"You need to get up, Kourtney. You can't lay in bed all day." My dad said before shutting my bedroom door.

"Oh trust me, I won't." I mumbled before I sat up in my bed, deciding I might as well start getting ready since I have to meet my mom at two.

I got up and decided to go get in the shower, since I normally take really long showers when i'm tired, and I really didn't want to risk being late to meet my mom today.

After I got out of the shower, I put on a white top and some black and white shorts and blow-dried my hair. I looked in the mirror for a few minutes, trying to decide if I wanted to curl my hair, or straighten it before I decided that I should curl it since I normally don't.

I curled my hair and brushed my teeth, then I applied some makeup and walked out of my bathroom, into my room to grab my phone, wallet and keys and shoved them into my black Burberry bag. I checked the time on the clock in my room and it said it was 12:55. I had a little over an hour before I had to meet my mom.

I walked downstairs and saw a package on my kitchen counter. I walked over and looked at the label on it, it was addressed to 'Kourtney Brooks'... me. But I haven't ordered anything recently, and I can't think of anyone who would want to send me a package. I grabbed a box cutter out of one of the drawers and sliced open the box. Inside was two dresses, one was a tiffany blue colored dress with a bow on the back, and the other was the exact same dress, but it was flower print and had a different type of bow on the back. I shut the box again and looked on the label, searching for the name of the person who sent me these dresses.

Nothing. No return address. No name. Nothing.

I checked the time on my phone again and saw that it was now 1:15, just enough time for me to get a coffee on my way to my moms house. I walked out the front door, locking it on my way out, and got into my car.

I drove to the coffee shop that isn't far from my house and ordered a caramel ice coffee. Then I drove to my moms house, my stomach tied in a knot when I got to her neighborhood.

When I finally got there, I sat in my car for a couple minutes, trying to decide if I should just back out of the driveway and go home. I started my car and went to back up. I didn't want to be here, i'm not sure I even want to get to know her again, but then the front door of her house swung open and she stood in the doorway, a big smile on her face.

I let a deep breath out of my mouth and shut my car back off. I got out of my car and stood next to it, not sure what to say or do.

"Hey." My mom said as she leaned against the doorway.

"Hi." I said, stuffing my keys back in my purse.

"Do you want to come in?" She asked, standing straight up again. "I have some black tea and some of the chocolate cake left if you would like some."

"Sure." I said, starting to walk down the walkway to her front door where she was standing.

"Great, the tea's still hot." She said, smiling as she walked back into her house, leaving the door wide open so I could follow. "Can you shut the doors behind you, please?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure." I said as I walked in the house and shut the glass and main door behind me.

"You can sit down at the dining room table if you'd like." She said as she poured black tea into two mugs.

"Okay, thanks." I said as I took a seat in one of the six chairs that were spread around the large wood table.

"I can get you a piece of cake too, if you would like?" She said as she set both of the mugs on the table.

"I'm good right now, thank you though." I said, taking a sip out of the mug, the hot tea burning my tongue and the rest of my mouth.

"Still really hot, sorry." She said, frowning. "I forgot to warn you."

"It's fine." I said, wrapping my hands around the mug, the heat from the hot tea warming up my hands.

"How's your dad?"  She asked, taking a small sip of her tea. I could tell she was being careful not to burn herself like I did.

"He's okay." I said, looking into my mug at the black tea that was splashing on the sides of the mugs from me shaking, like a tsunami.

"I would like to see your dad again sometime." She said, her eyes lowering to her tea like mine were before. "Not anytime soon, I don't want to rush it, just sometime."

"Yeah." I said, not sure what to say.

"I have something I want to tell you." She said reaching her hand out and touching mine. I flinched when she touched me, just because it has been so long since I have seen her.

"What is it?" I asked, her hand was cold, but mine was normally pretty cold too, so I understood.

"After me and your father... split up, I was living in a very tiny house on the corner of Granger and Milville, and I was working at a small coffee shop making next to nothing." She said, it looked like she was about to cry. "My owner, I really liked him, and he liked me too, I guess, and now, I am getting married to him. The young blonde girl you saw, that is his daughter, Amelia, and she's fifteen, almost sixteen, in May."

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked, interrupting her.

"I think you deserve to know this." She said, a tear streaming down her face.

"Roger doesn't know about you, but i'm going to tell him." She said, pulling her hand away from mine. "He only knows about Liam."

"Liam?" I asked, not sure who he was talking about.

"Your father still hasn't told you?" She asked, her face falling.

"No." I said, confused.

"You have a brother, his name's Liam." She said, avoiding eye contact with me. "I can't believe your dad still hasn't told you. I thought we agreed to tell you when you were sixteen."

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