Chapter 27

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Why did I do that? Why would I tell him I don't like him like that? I do. I really like him. He practically let me know that he liked me, and I had the perfect chance to tell him I like him too, but I didn't.

I don't know why I did it, but I do at the same time. I did it for Amelia. I had to, I couldn't be with Brooklyn if she likes him. She has already gone through so much, and I could never put her through more.

After I lied to Brooklyn about not liking him, he just nodded and said he understood, then he walked out of my room to who knows where.

I grabbed my phone and texted Riley, "Need you."

"Where and when?" She texted back a few minutes later.

I lifted my head from my pillow to text her back, "My house, now."

"On my way."

I groaned and just wished I could go back and tell him that I liked him too, I was stupid for not telling him the first time, and now I blew it.

"Kourtney," I heard someone knock.

"Yes?" I asked, annoyed. Just leave me alone, please!

"It's me, Amelia." Great, you are the person I wanted to see, Amelia.

"Oh, hi." I tried to sound at least semi-pleasant to her even though I was upset.

"I thought with me moving in soon and-"

"You're moving in?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah, I picked you guys!" She grinned.

"How great!" I fake smiled. She leaned in for a hug, taking me off guard. I hesitated but ended up hugging her back.

"We can be like, sisters." She suggested.

"That would be fun." I lied. "How are you and Brooklyn?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Me and Brooklyn?" She asked, a little shocked since we went from being sisters, to boys, but that's how most friends conversations went at our age, so i'm not exactly sure why she acted like I honked a car horn at her while she was in a deep sleep.

"Yeah, you and- him." I said, not wanting to say his name for who-knows-what reason.

"We're good," She smiled, "Really good, actually."

"That's good, do you think he is going to ask you out soon?" I asked her.

"I hope so!" She laughed. "You know what?"

"What?" I asked, my throat dry from what she said.

"Can we have a girls night since we are going to be step sisters soon? I could really use it with my dad's funeral and everything." She begged. I couldn't say no, I wanted to so bad, but I couldn't.

"Sure," I said, giving a small smile, it's all I had to give her.

"I'm so excited!" She shook my shoulders.

"So am I!" I said through clenched teeth. "Riley's already on her way here, I hope that's okay."

"It's fine." She smiled. "I have to go hang out Brooklyn for a little while, do you want to come?" She asked.

"I'll pass." I snapped. "Thank you though." I said, trying to soften my tone.

"Kourtney?" she said as she stood at my bedroom door.

"Yeah?" I asked her as I grabbed my computer and opened it again.

"Do you like Brooklyn? You can tell me." She said with a small smile.

"No, I dont." I defended myself, "Why are you asking?"

Amelia flopped down on my bed again. "Because Brooklyn doesn't like me, he likes you."

"No he doesn't, why would you say that?" I asked her, my heart was beating so fast it could win an Olympic race.

"I told him I liked him the night my dad died," Oh no. "And he told me he liked you."

"He might have been-"

"No, he was serious." She said, cutting me off.

"Amelia, I'm sorry."

"Why would you be sorry?" she asked me.

"I just am."

"Well there is no need to be sorry." She smiled.

"Thank you." I said to her as I looked down at my white comforter.

She leaned in and gave me a tight hug. "That's what sisters are for."

She's Dangerous (a Brooklyn Beckham fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now