Chapter 20

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I woke up in a daze, my room was warm and the sun was really bright as it shined through my curtains. I turned over to grab my phone and froze as I saw the body on my floor. "Brooklyn!" I whisper-shouted to him, he was dead asleep.

I pulled a pillow out from behind my head and threw it at him, "Brooklyn!"

"Wha-what?" He asked as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked, "My dad is going to kill you, kill me!"

"Does he know?" He asked.

"I don't know, but you have to go! Hurry!" I said as I stood up.

Brooklyn got up and walked towards the door, "Not that way!" I said, stopping him in his tracks. "Out the window."

"You are kidding, right?" He asked, I nodded my head 'no'. "Please tell me you're kidding, Kourtney!"

"I'm not, now go!" I said, shoving him towards the window.

"I'm going to die!" He said as he looked down at the ground, it was a long ways down.

"Should have thought of that  before you slept in, go, now." I continued to demand.

"You're crazy!" Brooklyn laughed.

"Just climb down, but avoid the windows!"

"Why can't I just go out the front door, like normal people?" He asked as he had one foot out the window.

"Because then we'll both get caught!"

He put another foot out the window. "Hold on to my hands for one second while I get my foot on something." I put my hands on his and waited for him to give me the 'okay' to let go.

"Kourtney-" Someone said as they opened my door. I jumped and let go of Brooklyn's hands, causing him to fall from my window to the ground. I heard the thud and cringed.

"Hey, mom." I said as I turned around and smiled at her.

"What was that thud?" She asked.

"Oh, it was this poor little bird flying into the fence." I frowned.

"How sad." She frowned. "I just wanted to see if you were up, your dad already left for work so I was going to get out of here before he comes back."

"No, you can't!" I demanded. "I mean, no, don't go, you can stay!"

"No we really shouldn't." She said as she pulled her sweater closer to her body. "After everything I did to your dad, to you-"

"Mom, it's okay, I forgive you. And my dad will too."

"Well i'm going to meet with Doug at one-thirty." She said, looking away.

"Why?" I asked, trying not to be too curious and demanding, even though I was.

"He just asked if we could meet and talk, so I said yes."

"Where are you meeting?" I asked.

"Just at that smoothie place that's downtown, I can never remember the name of it." She said, trying to think.

"Mariana's tropical smoothies." I smiled.

"Yeah, that's it. You know what i'm talking about?"

"Yeah, Riley and I go there sometimes."

"Is Riley your boyfriend?"

"No, it's a girl, but she's my best friend." I laughed.

"Oh, well that's nice." She smiled as she turned. "I should get going."

"Mom," I said as she was walking out of my room, she turned and looked at me. "Don't get the chocolate cake smoothie, it's the worst."

"Thanks, Kourtney." She said, turning again and walking out of my room. I heard her footsteps going down the stairs as I shut my door and ran to the window. Brooklyn wasn't there anymore, good.

I went over and grabbed my phone, pulling up Brooklyn's contact and pressing 'call'.

"You good?" I asked as soon as he picked up.

"No, I think I sprained something."

"You're so dramatic, how would you leave my backyard if you sprained something?" I asked.

"I crawled, i'm by the hedges in your front yard."

"You can't be serious!" I laughed.

"Why would I joke around about something like this?"

"I'll be out in a second." I sighed as I threw on a pair of shorts and a top that said 'California'.

"Hurry!" Brooklyn said as I hung up the phone.

I threw on my white converse and ran out the door. "Hey Liam," I said as I ran past him and out the door.

"Mom just left." Liam said as I opened the door.

I stopped and smiled at him, "thanks." He smiled back and I continued to run outside. I ran out to the hedges and saw Brooklyn leaning against them. "Oh, my, gosh." I laughed.

"Do you still think i'm joking?" I asked.

"I think you're ridiculous." I laughed. "C'mon, lets get you to the hospital or something."

"I can't go!" Why does he have to be so stubborn?

"Well you can't stay in my hedges for the rest of your life!"

"What about football?" He asked, I could tell he was sad.

"You play football?" I asked.


"Oh, got it. But you'll be okay."

"My parents are going to kill me, what am I going to tell them?"

I saw my mom walking on the sidewalk towards her car. "Shh!" I said as I hid in the hedge with Brooklyn.

I watched my mom as she opened her car door and got in. She started the engine and sped off down the road. "No time to talk, gotta go!" I said as I hopped out of the hedge and ran to my car.

"Where are you going?" Brooklyn asked.

"Oh, right." I said, running towards the door. "Liam, call an ambulance!"

"You are really having your brother call me an ambulance?" Brooklyn asked.

"I'll get you a smoothie and bring it to the hospital." I smiled.

"What, Kourtney no you can't be serious!" Brooklyn argued, he sounded annoyed. I felt bad leaving him, but I had to make sure my mom was going to be okay.

"Get well soon." I patted Brooklyn on his shoulder before I jumped in my car and followed my mom to the smoothie shop.

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