Chapter 7

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"You ready to do this?" Brooklyn asked me as we stood on the porch of my mom's house.

"As ready as I can be, I guess." I said, clutching the chocolate cake that was in my hands.

"You can do this, okay." Brooklyn said, putting his hand on my back. I gave a small smile and stepped forward so that I was closer to the door. I went to knock on the door, but then dropped my hand back down to my side.

"Brooklyn I can't do it." I said as I turned around and went to walk off the porch.

Brooklyn put both on his hands on my shoulders, "Kourtney, yes you can." He said, staring into my eyes. I broke the eye contact and looked to the side at the white flowers that were planted along the side of the house. "Trust me."

I turned around again and knocked on the door. After about fifteen seconds, the young blonde girl from earlier opened the door, her face lighting up when she saw Brooklyn. "Brooklyn, hi, it's nice to see you!"

"Um, Amelia, is your step-mom  home?" Brooklyn asked, not even reacting to what the girl said to him seconds before.

"Yeah, let me go get her for you." Amelia said, the huge smile falling off of her face as she walked away from the door. About a minute after, the dark-haired woman from earlier appeared, now wearing a black v-neck and pink pajama pants.

"Brooklyn, is something wrong?" The woman said, walking up to the front door.

"Ms. Jade, we have something we have to talk about." Brooklyn said as he stood a little behind me.

"Okay," The woman said, sounding a little confused, "come in, please." Brooklyn put his hand on my back and walked into the house, looking back at me, signaling for me to follow him. I followed him through the door to the high stools that were connected to the island in the kitchen.

"So, what is it?" The woman asked, walking towards the stove. "Can I get either of you some tea?" She asked.

Brooklyn looked at me and I nodded, "Yes please." Brooklyn said, putting his hands on the kitchen island. We watched in silence as the woman poured some tea into two blue cups and handed them to Brooklyn and me.

"Thank you." We both mumbled at the same time.

"You're welcome." She  smiled. "Oh, and i'm sorry, I forgot to ask, who are you, dear?" The woman asked, standing on the other side of the kitchen island that didn't have high stools.

"Her name is Kourtney, Kourtney Brooks." Brooklyn said before I could speak. The woman's face immediately went pale and she set her coffee cup down.

"Give me one second, please." She said as she walked to the bottom of the stairs and looked up them. Then she walked back and flicked off the dining room light, making it so that the kitchen light was the only light left on in the house. "Is it really you?" She asked, her hands folded on the island.

Brooklyn looked at me, waiting for my answer. "Yeah, it is."

"I'm so sorry, I have no idea what to do... or how to react." She said, putting her head in her hands.

"Me too." I whispered. "Excuse me for one second, I forgot I have to make a quick phone call." I said, standing up from the stool. I forgot to text my dad when I made it to the Beckham's, so he was probably freaking out at work.

"Yeah, go ahead." My supposedly "Mom" said. I walked back through the front door and stood on the porch, pulling his phone out. I dialed my dads number put it against my ear.

"Kourtney, hey, I was worried about you!" My dad said through the phone, sounding busy.

"Yeah, sorry I completely forgot to call." I said, looking down at my feet.

"It's no big deal, what are you doing right now?" My dad asked.

"Um," I said, looking back through the glass door at Brooklyn and my mom, "Oh, i'm just playing 'life' with Harper." I lied.

"Great, well I have to get back to work, I have another patient, but you have fun sweetie, okay?"

"Okay dad, I will, thanks."

"I love you, Kourtney."

"I love you too, dad." I said as I pulled my phone away from my ear and pressed 'end call'. I turned back around and opened the clear glass door, then shut both the clear class door, and the white front door before I walked back to the kitchen and sat next to Brooklyn on the stool I was sitting on earlier.

"Sorry, that was my dad." I said as Brooklyn stared at me.

"How is your dad doing?" She asked, breaking the little bit of awkward silence.

"He's doing great." I lied, not wanting my mom to know that she completely broke my dad into a million pieces, and he's never been able to glue the pieces back together. "Actually, he's not great, he's not even close to being great." I said, not even processing what I was saying.

"I'm so sorry to hear that." She said, a slight frown appearing on her face.

"Kira?" A deep voice said, it sounded like he must have been at the top of the stairs.

"Yes, honey?" She asked.

"What's going on down there?" The voice asked.

"Uh, nothing dear," She said, her eyes flickering down at the cake we brought quickly, "the neighbor kids just brought a cake over."

"Okay." The voice upstairs said before the sound of his footsteps became quieter.

"How about you meet me tomorrow, here's my number, give me a call tomorrow morning, please." The woman said as she handed me a small piece of paper that had her number scribbled on it.

"Okay." I said as Brooklyn and I stood up and started to walk towards the front door. "Kourtney," She quietly said as Brooklyn and I opened the door and went to step outside. "It was really nice seeing you again."

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