Chapter 34

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"I'm really sad you have to go, I wish you didn't have to." I frowned as I stood next to the family car.

"Schools going to start back up again, and football." He smiled as he shoved another box into their car. "And after that terrible fall out your window..." He said quieter so his parents wouldn't hear.

"You were on crutches for two days, three days tops!" I laughed.

"It was painful!"

"You're a baby!"

"Yeah, okay, because being called names by you hurts." He rolled his eyes.

I watched him as he shoved the last box into the car. I had to go help my mom pick at flowers for her 're-wedding' since she wanted some type of ceremony for her reunion with my dad.

"Miss me?" Brooklyn asked as his family started to pile into the car.

"Everyday." I smiled.

"Don't forget me?" He asked.

"How could I?"

"I'll be back in June for another fun summer." He said as he put his hand on my shoulder. "I wish I didn't have to go."

"Like you said, you have school and soccer, um, football waiting for you." I tried to sound strong and happy for him. "I should get going."

He pulled me into a hug. "I'll miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too." I hugged back.

"You won't find any other boys other than me, right?" He asked me.

"Don't be ridiculous!" I joked as I backed up, walking backwards towards my car.

"Bye, Kourtey!" David called out the window. "Say goodbye to your dad, and the rest of your family for me!"

"Me too!" Victoria added. "And pass along my congratulations on their marriage!"

'Re-marriage' I thought. "Thank you! I will!" I waved. All the Beckham's waved as they backed out and disappeared down the road.

My throat swelled up and tears welled in my eyes. There was so much more I wanted to say and do, so much. But now I had to wait until next June.

I gave a sad sigh and hopped into my car, plugging the flower shop into my GPS.

My phone ringed, making me jump and hit the horn. A dog barked in response. Sorry, neighbors.

"June." The text said from Brooklyn.

"I can't wait." I typed back.

"I'll count down the days and we can text everyday." Brooklyn attempted to cheer me up.

"Everyday? Clingy." I joked.

"Every other day then, if that's hat you prefer."

"I'm kidding, every day sounds great." I wrote back.

"Time will fly by and before you know it, it will be June again and we will be back to our normal selves. Promise you."

"June is far away, a whole school year."

"That's what FaceTime and Skype are for!"

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