Chapter 28

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"Liam we have to go!" I said as I continued to bang on the bathroom door.

"One second, Kourtney!" Liam said. I heard him spit in the sink from brushing his teeth then the bathroom door unlocked.

"Seriously, Liam? This is a funeral not a baptism!" I said as Liam walked into the hallway in a white suit.

"People wear white to funerals." He said as he shook his hair, water flying everywhere.

"Okay, but not to this one." I said, a disgusted look on my face. "Go change."

Liam walked towards his room again, "quickly." I added.

"Kourtney, Liam, Amelia, are you ready?" My mom called from the bottom of the stairs.

"I am." I answered.

"So am I." Amelia said as she walked out of my room with a long black dress on, her hair curled into perfect spirals.

"Almost!" Liam called out from his room.

"We have to go, come on!" My dad said.

"How are you doing?" I asked Amelia.

"Okay I guess, better than I thought." She smiled. Things were still awkward from her telling me Brooklyn liked me last night.

"That's good, we're here for you." I said as I patted her shoulder, "but we've got to go."

"I'm ready." she smiled as we started to walk down the stairs.

"So am I!" Liam said, running out of his room as he was still buckling his belt.

"Then lets go." My mom said as she grabbed her spring coat next to the door and put it on.

"Brooklyn coming?" My mom asked as I passed her to go out the door towards my dads car.

"Don't know." I said as I opened the car door and got in.

"He'll be at the funeral." Amelia piped in.

"Can't wait to see him." My mom smiled as she shut the door behind us. She walked around the side of the car and got into the passengers seat as my dad started the car. "Liam can you take any longer?" My mom yelled as she rolled down the window.

Liam ran to the car and got in as quick as possible, his hair was a mess and all he said was a quick, "Sorry."

"Gosh Liam you smell like a pig farm." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Nice second grade insult, but I just showered." He smiled.

"I know, it's whatever cologne you're trying to pull of, it smells like Grandma Ruth." I scrunched up my face in disgust when I said 'Grandma Ruth.'

"Hey, it was a gift!"


"Amelia I am so sorry for your loss."

"It's okay, Mrs. Willer, thank you."

"I can't even begin to imagine what on earth you are going through, Amelia."

"It's been hard, but it's getting better as the days go by."

"Kourtney!" I heard someone say over the sound of every ones apologies to Amelia.

I turned and saw Brooklyn making his way through the big group of people outside the funeral home. "Brooklyn, hey." I smiled. "Amelia's over there." I added.

"I'm not looking for Amelia." He said, Amelia turned her head towards him when he said her name and gave him a big smile. "But I will go give her my condolences, save me a seat?"

"Of course." I said as I turned and started making my way towards the entrance of the funeral home.

"Do you think we should wait for Amelia?" Liam asked me at the door.

I looked back to see her surrounded by people, she didn't look happy, but she did look like she was okay. "No, I think she's okay."

"Then after you." Liam said, taking a step back so I could walk into the funeral home. "I know you didn't know Doug, but he was usually a nice guy, sometimes."

"I know." I grinned.

"Well maybe he wasn't, I might be just thinking of him nicely because he's dead."

"Don't talk like that, Liam." I said as I shushed him.

"I'm just saying." he said as he lifted his hands up in surrender, he was talking in the same hushed tone as I was.

"I know but just don't, not right now at least."

"Okay, I won't." He surrendered. "Have you seen mom?"

"Not since we got here." I grabbed a program and walked to the very front row and took a seat.

"Me neither." Liam said as he took a seat next to me. I set my purse down on the empty chair to the right of me. "Who are you saving a seat for?"

"Brooklyn asked me to." I said quickly, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Amelia's boy?" He asked me.

"Yeah, sure, 'Amelia's boy'." I said as I mocked him.

"You know you shouldn't be doing this, Kourt."

"Doing what, Liam?"

"Still going after Brooklyn when Amelia is too, be the bigger person and back out."

"I already have dad and mom and everyone else telling me what to do, I don't need my brother to too." I snapped as I stormed back down the aisle.

Once I got out to the hallway area I looked both ways in search for the restroom. I finally spotted it down the hall and fast-walked my way there.

"Kourtney?" I heard someone say in a confused voice. Brooklyn.

"Hey Brooklyn I saved you a seat in there I'm just a little... overwhelmed right now, I guess." I said with my hand on the bathroom door.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, taking a step towards me.

I took a step back, the ladies restroom door opening a little bit. "Fine, thanks. But if you'll excuse me." I said as I turned back around and walked into the restroom.

I walked straight to the sink and turned the faucet on. I gently splashed water on my face, being careful to not ruin my mascara.

"Dad's always on your case, mom's a gold digging where, brothers all in your business and soon to be preppy step-sister wants to take the boy you turned down for no reason, your life sucks."

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