Girls POV

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-Harukas POV-
My alarm on my phone went off. I simply took it and turned it off and stayed in bed for about another 5 mins. It was a Monday-damnit. Mondays were the days no one liked. Its the beginning of the week and no one enjoyed it. I only like school because of my friends. No one else- not even the teachers. "Time to go to hell." I mumbled to myself. I put on my uniform. A white shirt with a red bow and a blue skirt. After that, i got my socks, shoes, and backpack. I was ready and went out of the door.

-Kumis POV-
My alarm clock went off. I slammed my hand against it and started cursing to myself. I stayed in bed for another 10 mins. Sooner or later, I was gonna be late. Meh, i don't care. Its nothing new anyways. I slipped on my blue skirt and sailor top with my red bow, got my socks and shoes and backpack and did everything else. I headed out the door. "Fml." I mumbled to myself.

-Yukas POV-
My alarm rang. I turned it off and I realized it was a Monday. "WHHYY MEEEE." I said in a groaning tone. I threw on my uniform without even caring and got ready, without caring how I looked. I got my socks and shoes and backpack and went out of the door. "I freaking hate Mondays." I said to myself.

-Paiges POV-
I turned my alarm off before it can go off. I cant stand hearing that beep beep sound-especially on a Monday. I hate walking to school and walking back. Its so tiring. But the good thing is that I like my uniform. A nice blue skirt with a sailor top and a red bow, whats not to love??! It was-perfect. I got ready and grabbed my shoes socks and backpack and left.

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