Running Into a Past Person

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"R-Rico?" Midorima said, his eyes widened.

"Oh Midorima, its funny running into you here." Rico said, looking down. It was awkward since they were exes.

"Y-yeah, I just came to relax." He replied plainly.

"Uhh, do you wanna go get some coffee, its fine if you're in a hurry or something..." Rico said, not looking back up.

"Sure...I was gonna go here anyways." He said. They both walked in and got a table.

The waiter asked what they wanted and they ordered.

It was silence for about a few minutes until Rico decided to break it.

"Soo umm how are you?" She said, finally looking up.

"Yeah I'm fine. How about you?" He asked, looking up as well, but didn't make eye contact.

"I'm great...I guess." She said, plainly.

The waiter came with their coffee.

"Thank you." Midorima said.

The waiter smiled and nodded before he walked away.

"Why don't you ever come to school?" He asked, finally making eye contact.

Rico looked down.

"I decided to transfer, so you and you're friends don't have to worry about seeing me ever again." Rico said calmly, still looking down.

Midorima sighed.

"Look, don't say those type of things, okay? Did you transfer because of us?" He asked curiously.

"No, I have my reasons." She said, giving a small smile.

"H-hows you and Kumi?" She asked, making direct eye contact with Midorima.

"Uhh amazing." He said, smiling and hiding his pain.

"Did she really have to bring up Kumi? I'm trying to get my mind off her. Thanks to Rico, it got worse. K-Kumi..." Midorima thought deeply.

He was about to grab the fork and do more damage to his wrist, but then he remembered Rico was sitting right in front of him.

About ten minuted past and Rico got a text, so it was time for her to go.

"I have to go now. It was nice catching up with you." She said and gave a smile.

"You too." Midorima replied plainly, giving a half smile.

She was about to reach in for a hug, but Midorima walked away without noticing before she could do so.

-Back at Kanatos house-

"You feeling better? You seem down." Kanatos mom asked.

"Yeah I just ran into my ex. I wanna get some rest if thats okay with you." Midorima said politely.

"Of course. You'd probably be tired after running into your ex. Go get some rest." Kanatos mom said with a bright smile.

Midorima walked into Kanatos room and laid on the second bed for him. Everyone was still in Kanatos room playing the whisper challenge. The room was filled with laughter until Kanato noticed he came back.

"Oh hey dude. So are you relaxed now?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah I just ran into Rico so I need some r-

Yuka cut him off.

"Rico?! Oh my god I feel so bad for you." Yuka said cringing.

"Oh my lord." Haruka said, cringing as well.

"We'll play somewhere else." Kanato said and grabbed his stuff. They went to the living room and played there.

Midorima laid down and shut his eyes.


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