The Plan

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Midorima ran to go and get lunch and stuffed it in his face. He looked like a chipmunk. He chewed it until it was squishy and stood infront of the class door.

"Kill me." Midorima thought to himself.

He ran into class and began to spit the lunch on the floor.

"Midorima are you okay?" The teacher asked.

"HELL NO IM NOT OKAY I JUST VOMITED." Midorima said coughing

The teacher gave an angry expression.

"My bad?" Midorima said.

"Im going to call your parents." The teacher said .

"No need. I live alone." Midorima said.

Midorima got his stuff and left. He went to his apartment and called Kumi.

~At Kumis Place~

Ring ring


"Hello?" She said

"Hey I'm out of school. Where do I meet you?" Midorima asked

"Meet me at my place." Kumi said then hung up.

"WE BOUT TO BE SAVED." Kumi said happily.

"We dont know that for sure, Kumi." Paige stated.

"Listen I will go on the statue of liberty and 360 no scope off it and land flat like a tomato if you DARE to say that again." Kumi rebuttled.

Everyone laughed at the random statement. After that, there was a knock on the door. Kumi dashed towards the door and opened it, it was Midorima.

"Come in." Kumi said.

Midorima walked in and took a seat then greeted everyone.

"Okay, so you ditched school and the cops found out?" Midorima asked.

"Well, basically, yeah." Yuka said.

"So what the hell do you want me to do about it?" Midorima asked.

"I dont know help us come up with a plan." Haruka said.

"Well sorry to break it to ya, but I dont know what to do." Midorima said.

"Ummm no. You're helping us, go ask your friends like Seiji or Kanato." Kumi suggested.

Haruka tried not to scream.

"I said it would be a bad idea to do so! Kanato shouldn't have to be in trouble with us!" Haruka admitted.

"Okay look sweetheart, just because you have a little thing for him, doesn't mean we cant get help from him. He's smart, right? We need his help." Kumi said.

"Ooh someone has a crush." Midorima said.

"Shut it!" Haruka shouted.

"Yeah I cant help and maybe getting my friends into this is a bad thing." Midorima said.

"Wait babe please." Kumi begged with cute puppy dog eyes.

Midorima leaned his face closer to Kumis and put his hand on her cheek, Kumi blushed.

"Fine, but I'm doing this for you." Midorima said softly as he leaned in much closer.

"Hey! Its not the time!" Paige interrupted.

"YEAH GROSS." Haruka said

"You're just saying that because you wish you had Kanato to do this to you." Kumi said back.

"OH HELL NO FIGHT ME." Haruka shouted.

"OKAY IM READY M8." Kumi said.

"Hey hey guys how about you uh lets see, shut the frick up." Yuka said annoyed.

"You're right. I'll call them." Midorima said then he winked at Kumi. Kumi blushed.

Midorima called Kanato and Seiji and told them about the plan. They agreed and are coming their way.

"Okay they're coming." Midorima said.

"Ew but Seiji is coming EWWW." Kumi exclaimed.

"Shh. Its fine." Midorima said.

After about ten minutes they arrived. They began talking about a plan and brainstorming ideas.

"I'm still mad that Paige has the NERVE to interrupt me and Midorima. HOW DARE SHE!" Kumi thought to herself.

"But its fine, she better know that Midorima is mine and MINE ONLY."

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