Chapter 2: Ditching Hell

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The bell rang. It was fourth period. Yuka, Paige and, Seiji were in the same class, Kanato and Haruka were in the same class while Kumi and Midorima, her boyfriend were in the same class. Coincidently, they all had he same subject, which was English. English was two hours long.

"Alright class! Today we're gonna learn about poetry! I personally love poetry and its okay if you dont like it." The teacher said happily.

Haruka yawned and tried not to sleep during the process. All she ever did in English was zone out.

"Okay class I will read out a poem." The teacher said then she began to read the poem. Haruka put her head on the table and shut her eyes.

After about less than minute, the teacher interrupted her poem and noticed Haruka was asleep and woke her up.

"Haruka, go outside and get some fresh air." The teacher said. Haruka got out of her seat and sloped out of the class.

~English with Kumi and Midorima~

"Alright class, todays subject is poetry. Later on you can write your own." The teacher said in a boring tone.

Once Kumi heard him say that, she was actually interested. She always wrote dark and depressing poems, but that makes things interesting, right? Well anyways, the teacher went on and on, surprisingly, she didnt fall asleep, for once. Midorima was quite tired, he didnt care about poetry. But, he still managed to stay awake.

As time passed, the teacher read part of a poem until he was interrupted by Kumi yelling at a kid for annoying her.
The teacher sighed.

"Kumi take a step outside." The teacher said after Kumi stormed out of the class.

~English with Yuka, Paige and Seiji~

"Okay todays agenda is poetry. You may like it or not but I dont care. Just listen up." The teacher said holding her cup of coffee.

Yuka and Paige always spoke to each other. And frankly, they say across from each other. They would always laugh, and Seiji was just that third wheel guy. Kinda like that one kid in the back thats like, "Oh hey hi I'm right here I'm not invisible." Yeah, that type of guy.

The teacher read out part of a poem.

"The cold, misty wind was gashing against my skin as I was walking passed the soccer field. In a blink of an eye, I saw something come my way. The ball smashed against my face. And another ball came my way. The balls were hard-"

The teacher was interrupted by Yuka and Paige trying so hard not to laugh, but it failed.

"Im sorry, is this poem funny? Would you like to explain how?" The teacher snapped.

"N-no its just haaah!" Yuka got cut off from laughter.

"You can laugh all you want outside, get out." The teacher said as she pointed to the door. Yuka and Paige walked out the door cracking up.

They all saw each other outside. They checked to see if the coast was clear and ran to each other. They all ran to the gate, and climbed over it.

"Poetry my ass!" Haruka said

Everyone laughed then ran out of the school.

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