Goodbye Past, Hello New Life

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The school bell rang and everyone met up at Kanatos house.

"Okay Yuka, text Ryu." He said.

Yuka nodded and texted him.

-Text messages-

Yuka: Hey Ryu

Ryu: Hey, whats up?

Yuka: Is there any chance we can stay at your universe?

Ryu: There is a chance. Theres also a school here too thats waaayy better than yours I bet

Yuka; Great! Thanks.

Ryu: Anytime.

-Text Messages End-

"We can go!!" Yuka said with the biggest smile on her face. She ran and gave everyone a group hug.

"Yay! We have to go home and tell our parents. Midorima, have you been seeing your parents lately?" Haruka asked.

"Yeah. For the past month I was with them." Midorima said in a monotone voice. 

"I'm gonna head off and tell my parents the news." Haruka said. She waved everyone goodbye and left the house.

Yuka did the same, then Midorima.

"Hey mom?" Kanato asked.

"Hm?" His mom replied, turning facing him.

"I decided I want to go to the other universe and stay there. I'm going to attend the school there. I hope you understand." Kanato confessed.

His mom sighed.

"I respect your choice. I heard the school were better as well. Just be safe. Go get packing." Kanatos mom said, placing a kiss on his forehead. He ran to his room and grabbed a suitcase.

(Btw all of the people who are in relationships, their parents already met throughout time)

-Yukas Place-

"Welcome home." Her dad said.

"Thanks. Um, dad, can I speak to you and mom?" Yuka asked.

"Sure. Honey!" Yukas dad called.

"Oh hi sweetie! Whats up?" Her mom asked.

They all took a seat at the table.

"Um, I decided to go move to the other world. Ya know, with the game." Yuka said.

"But, where are you going to stay?" Her dad asked.

"Ryu can do something..." Yuka said, looking down.

"Honey, we need to know for sure." Her mom said.

"Ryu said he has many open places since hes a god. He told you, remember when you met him?" Yuka said, looking up.

"Right. Well, just be careful and do good in school. I heard the schools are great there." Her dad said. Yuka looked at her mom, and she nodded. They all got up and gave each other hugs.

"Thank you so much! I need to get packing!" Yuka said before she ran and snatched a suitcase.

-Harukas Place-

As soon as she came in, she spotted her parents.

"Hi sweetie." Her mom said.

"Hi. Mom, Dad, we need to talk." She said. They grabbed chairs and she explained what was going on.

"Oh honey....I don't know." Harukas mom said in a worried tone.

"Mom, please. The schools are much better and I won't have to deal with the people at school. I've told you about them several times." Haruka pointed out.

"But, I don't know if I can trust you with your boyfriend." Her dad said carelessly.

"Dad! Do you really think I'd do something...mature with my boyfriend? You guys know I care about school. I promise I wont get intimate with Kanato after I finish high school and graduate. Plus, as I was walking home, Yuka said Ryu has places for us to stay at." Haruka briefly pointed out.

"Do you have to pay bills?" Her mom asked.

"No." Haruka simply answered.

"Okay fine. Get packing." They said. Haruka grew a smile on her face. She hugged them and ran to her room.

-Midorimas Place-

"Hi honey. Are you excited for summer?" His mom asked.

"Yeah. Can I tell you and dad something?" He asked.

His mom nodded and called his dad. They took a seat. He explained everything.

"I don't know if you'd be okay. Remember, your wrists? I'm just so worried about you." His mom said, starting to tear up.

"Mom, I promise you I won't hurt myself ever again. When I come visit you, I'll show you my wrist and prove to you they are healed. Plus, the schools better and the people at school make it worse." He stated. His parents looked at each other, then made their choice.

"You can go. But, if you visit me and I see your wrist getting worse, you're coming back." His dad said.

"Thank you." He said and gave them a tight hug. He ran to his room.

-Timeskip after packing-

It was a beautiful sunset and the sky was gorgeous. Everyones parents met up at Kanatos place, so did their children. Ryu showed up with his dragon.

"Hellooooo there. It's time." He said.

Everyone kissed their parents and gave them hugs.

"Don't worry about your suitcases, I'll transfer them." He said. With one snap, they were gone, transported in the other world.

"Hop on." He said, patting his dragon.

They all hopped on and waved their parents goodbye as tears fell down their face.

"Bye! I love you!" All the parents said, each directing to their children.

"I love you too!" They all replied to their parents. With that, they took off. Soaring into their new lives.

A/N there will be a Sequel coming soon :)

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