Chapter 1: Another day, another tease.

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Yuka was walking to school until someone shouted after her.

"Yuka wait up!" Someone said. Yuka looked back to see Haruka and Kumi. "

"Ugh i dont even wanna be here." Said Kumi.

"Yeah yeah neither do we but we still have to. School should be fun for you, you have a boyfriend and all." Haruka said as she looked down to the ground.

"That doesn't mean anything. Im just sick of people judging us because of what we like. Those morons." Kumi said clenching her fists.

"Hey hey its fine. Everyone has to go through this stuff at some point." Yuka pointed out. The rest was silent. They just continued walking.

-timeskip to class-

Haruka, Kumi, and Kanato were in the same first period class and Yuka, Paige, Seiji, and Midorima were in the same first period class.

"So remember about the civil war?" The teacher asked the class.

Some students nodded and other students said "yes."

"Well today you can work with a partner and the project is you have to create your own world." The teacher said. Haruka and Kumi both looked at each other.

Haruka and Kumi both rushed to each other and found a place to work.

"The world should be like the anime world! But like fantasy-ish. With powers and gods–Like Yato from Noragami!" Haruka said proudly

A few kids looked at us and scoffed.

"Weebs." One kid said.

Haruka noticed Kumis furious expression on her face. She also noticed that Kumi stood up from her seat.


"Kumi, its ok, really, who cares what they say, they're just dumb people." Haruka interrupted and said in a warm, calming tone.

"But that fuc-"

"Kumi, dont get so mad over one idiotic kid. Hes just trying to get a reaction out of us. If we ignore him, he wont do it again because he will realize its not funny." Haruka said softly

"But its not just ONE kid its more than- nevermind. Lets just work." Kumi said as she sat down.

-transition to Yuka, Paige, Seiji, and Midorimas first period class-

The science teacher, Mr. Olen, rang the bell.

"Ok um listen up." He said in his usual monotone voice. "We're gonna do a partner project today. You and a partner will get a graph and will have to fill it out. This is for climate change, you cant have more than 2 partners."

Yuka and Paige looked at each other and as soon as they got the graph, they rushed to each other and sat in the nearest table, they didn't care if that spot was taken. Midorima and Seiji were partners.

Time has passed by and they barely got any work done. The graph was due in 2 days. The bell rang for the next period and everyone left.

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