At the Finish Line

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There they were. The final level. If they defeated this boss, they'd all go home, go back to school, see their family, live a normal life. Everyone had tears in their eyes and began to wipe them away.

"I-I can't believe this. Is this real life?!" Yuka stuttered, still wiping away her tears.

"It couldn't be any realer." Kumi replied.

"But wait, all of our clothes are torn again. They weren't as bad as before though." Haruka stated.

Yuka used the crystal ball to summon the god.

"Whats up?" The god asked.

"We need new clothes." Yuka stated.

"Anything for you." The god winked. Yuka rolled her eyes and he disappeared getting new clothes. It took him about two minutes.

"Here ya go!" The god said, snapping his fingers making the clothes come to them through the crystal ball.

"But the shorts, they got...shorter." Kumi replied looking down.

The god had the most annoyed look on his face.

"Listen, you either wear the mother fucking shit I give you or you do this level without any damn clothes. I don't have time to hear complaining." The god said raising his voice. He was the type of person that was always chill and laid back. He was never the type to get angry.   

"Jesus. She was only making a statement I don't see why you're so mad. Chill out." Haruka said.

"Listen, kid, I frankly don't care. If you have a damn problem with the clothes I give you, try me. I'm a god and can dislocate your limbs from your body with just snapping my fingers." The god said in a fierce tone with the most angriest and annoyed expression on his face, staring at Haruka dead in the eyes.

"Now," the god now said smiling.
"Good luck. Especially you." He pointed at Yuka and vanished away.

"Whats his problem?" Kanato asked.

"I don't know." Kumi replied.

They all shrugged it off and went on with the final level. They all spotted the boss. It was like a monster. No, a beast. It was as huge and tall like a skyscraper. Its nails were like Freddy Kruegers and could claw someone in an instant. All of their eyes widened. They had no idea how to defeat this beast. They even thought they couldn't.

"G-guys I-I don't know about this..." Midorima said, trembling on his words as he was trembling in fear.

Kumi walked over and placed a soft kiss on his forehead and held his hands, staring into his luscious orbs as he stared into hers.

"Babe, we can do this, I trust all of us. We've come a long way, we can't just give up now. Hell, we'll NEVER give up." Kumi said with her hands shaking. The both leaned in and kiss each others soft lips.

With that, they all stared up at the giant beast, staring at it in awe and fear. They all did a countdown.

"One, two, three!" They all said. They ran towards the beast, believing there will be hope and success. Tightly gripping their weapons and prepared with their powers to strike. They are truly, one of a kind. 

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