The Path to Mysteries

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It was around 7:00 A.M and they all woke up. The people who had glasses grabbed them and put them on. The guys slid on their converses and the girls slid on their long boots. Midorima went into the kitchen and made pancakes with scrabbled eggs for everyone.

"Thank you!" Everyone said cheerfully, but also tired.

They ate their food so quickly. It took none of them over five minutes to finish their food. They all put the plates in the sink and headed to the bathroom. Seiji was first in the bathroom to brush his teeth and whatnot. After him, it was Yuka, then Kumi, then Midorima, then Haruka, and lastly Kanato. They were all freshened up and ready to go to the next level.

"Thanks for making breakfast, babe." Kumi said as she wrapped her arms around Midorimas waist from behind. She gives him a kiss on the cheek before letting go.

"No problem babe." He replies.

"So are we ready for the next level?" Midorima asks filled with lots of energy.

"Hell yeah!" Kanato replies.

"Sure. This time I'll try not to die." Yuka replied.

"Im ready to do this BRING IT ON!" Haruka said jumping up and down.

"Sure." Seiji replied calmly.

"IM READY LETS KILL SOME PEOPLE!!" Kumi said with the most excitement out of everyone.

"Alright, lets do this." Midorima said, grabbing his spear.

They all grabbed their weapons and headed out. It was time.

They were at the beginning at the fourth level, standing right in front of it. They walked in there with confidence.

As soon as they walked in, an enemy starts to shoot at them. They all dodged the bullets. Even though they weren't here for too long, they already memorized the opponents tricks. The enemy shot again, this time it hit Haruka in the shoulder, but she still managed to survive. She was distracting the enemies as everyone else was attacking the others. Kumi used her power and read the enemies mind. Kumi read the mind of the enemy that Haruka was currently fighting. It was going to throw a knife at Midorima, aiming for his skull. Kumi ran infront of Midorima and dodged the knife with her axe.

"Thank me later babe." Kumi said as she continued to read the other enemies mind.

Yuka grabbed her sword, swung and stabbed many enemies. She ran to an enemy and stabbed it right in the head. She wiped off the blood that was on her.

Kanato did the same, but he stabbed a foe in the stomach, took the sword out and re-stabbed it down its head.

Kumi was dodging bullets and slicing the lives of the enemies. One enemy grabbed two knives and threw it at her leg. Kumi cried in pain and fell to the ground.

"KUMI!" Midorima shouted as he ran towards her.

Kumi stood back up and gave him a smile.

"Its alright, I can still stand.."

Midorima gently sat her back down and took the knives out of her leg. Kumi tried so hard not to squeal in pain.

Kumi stood back up, again. She was standing tall and on her own. She didn't give up. She ran towards the enemies, sliced off one of their arms, next was the other arm, and then legs. She did that to all the enemies she saw. Yeah she was in excruciating pain, but she was still hanging in there, knowing everything was going to be alright. Midorima was standing there in awe. He was so proud that she didn't give up.

All the enemies were gone. The level was complete.

"Good job everyone." Kanato praised.

"Yeah everyone did great." Seiji said.

They were walking to the next level, but something shiny caught the corner of Yukas eye. She walked towards it and picked it up. It was like a fortune teller ball, but instead, it was much smaller.

"Guys I found something." She said.

They all stopped walking and went towards Yuka.

"I wonder what it is..." Haruka said.

The crystal ball began glowing. Once it was done glowing, they saw something, or someone in it.

"Ahh so I see you've found it." The voice said. It wasn't just any voice it was the gods voice.

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