Racing for the Finish Line

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They all began fighting. They were so,so lucky they got to go where they left off. They were all as good as new. All fresh, all clean, all energetic. They were truly confident. However, they all got bloody real quick. They nearly lost all of their energy, but they didn't lose a life. They were all pushing through.

"G-guys we can do this just a few more and AGH-

There goes Kanato getting stabbed in the stomach. Blood was running down his mouth.

"KANATO!" Haruka shouted. She ran towards him and checked his pulse while everyone was making sure no one would go near the two. Luckily, there was pulse. Kanato opened his eyes and got up, holding his stomach.

"W-watch out." He struggled to say.

He used his power to have vibes of the future and a rival was going to stab Haruka. Haruka looked back and quickly shot the foe four times.

"Yeah, thanks. Be safe out here." Haruka said, running off.

They all fought, made a bloody mess. Unfortunately, there was still many more people to defeat. Everyone used their powers all at once, it managed to defeat half of the enemies. They all kept striving. They didn't give up. They still kept pushing no matter how difficult it got, no matter how bloody it got, no matter the consequences. They kept going, and they had no intentions of stopping anytime soon.

After another five, tough minutes, they finished level nine. It was much easier for them since they kept striving through. Although, all of them still got injured once more.

"Guys, we did it! We completed level nine!" Kumi shouted and rose her hand up in victory.

"I know. I can't believe it. Just one more level and we're all out of here." Midorima replied with a bright smile on his face.

"Hey Kanato, you alright?" Seiji asked curiously.

Kanato refused to make eye contact with him after what he's done.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Kanato replied with no emotion.

"And the best thing is, we're not as hurt as we were in the current level! Isn't that great?!" Yuka said enthusiastically with a bright smile. It was almost as bright as the rays of the sun shining on a glistening hot day.

They all giggled and nodded in response. They all put one of their hands in a group and did a countdown.

"One,two,three,victory!" They all said and rose their hands up.

"Come on, lets do this! Lets show them what we've got." Kumi said in an energetic tone.

"Hey Kumi, whats on your neck? Is it from an enemy?" Seiji asked curiously.

"Uhh yeah." Kumi replied.

Midorima laughed at the statement.

"You could say that. But I'm going to correct you. It's from me. I marked my territory." He said.

Seiji glared at Midorima with jealousy and went to the next level before anyone

After that, they all left and entered the last and final level. Whats gonna happen? Are they all going to make it out alive? You have to wait and find out.

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