Love Never Ends (Midorima x Kumi Side Story/Filler)

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A/N this contains sexual content. If you do not like this kind of content, do not read any further.

Fifteen. Fifteen minutes they've been on the floor. Fifteen minutes since they last passed out. They were down to their last life. How would they survive? Would they even survive? Who knows.

The first one to wake up was Kanato. His eyes fluttered opened. He sat up.

"I-I'm still here? We're all still here, but why? Why aren't we dead yet?" Kanato thought to himself. The next to wake up was Yuka.

"Yuka!" Kanato exclaimed.

Yuka opened her eyes and blinked to get rid of the blur. She sat up and turned towards Kanato.

"W-what?" Yuka said in a low scratchy voice.

"Use the crystal ball to summon the god." Kanato said.

Yuka grabbed the crystal ball out of her pocket and summoned him.

"Ohh hey-woah woaaahhh woaaahhhh. Jesus did you just come out of the sewer or what?" The god jokes around.

Yuka gave him a death glare.

"Oh okay tough crowd I see. Whatcha need cutie?" The god said, chuckling.

"I told you multiple times to stop calling me that you irritating jerkface. What do you need, Kanato?" Yuka asked with annoyed written across her face.

"Is there a possibility we can go back to the temp house and leave off where we were when we come back? Kanato asked.

"You can. But, it cant be over two hours. If it is, you have to start the level all over." The god explained.

"Yes! We can go back!" Kanato said happily.

"Yeah. This game is very difficult. And you guys need the rest. You look like hobos. See ya." The god said before he vanished away.

"Hurry and wake everyone up." Kanato directed to Yuka. Yuka nodded and began the procedure. Everyone woke up and Yuka explained everything.

~Timeskip to the Temp House once again~

Since the fight, everyones clothes were completely torn. They might as well wear nothing, that's how torn they were.

Midorima didn't like the idea, but they all voted to just have everyone wear their underwear, until the God could get them a new set of clothes.

Haruka immediately grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself so she wouldn't be exposed in her underwear. Yuka did the same. Being the big creep he is, Seiji went over to Kumi and began to grab her chest. Kumi immediately slapped his hands away and went over to Midorima. Seiji went over to Haruka and tried to do the same, but Kanato slapped him across the face, leaving a handprint.

"Dude! You need to fucking chill out!" Kanato shouted.

"Heh. See, you like Haruka." Seiji said.

Kanato slapped him again, leaving another mark to go on top of it.

Seiji held his face.

"Ouch. Tough." Seiji replied. He went towards Kumi again, but Midorima stopped him.

"Didn't you hear Kanato? Chill.the.fuck.out." Midorima replied with death in his eyes. Seiji left the scenario.  

"Come on." Midorima said annoyed as he grabbed Kumis wrist harshly.

He took Kumi in the other room and locked the door. He pinned her onto the bed and looked at her up and down.

"Midorima what are you-" Kumi was interrupted by Midorima smashing his lips against Kumis. They made out for 10 seconds. Midorima slid his hand inside her panties and slid a finger inside her. He began to thrust it in and out. Kumi placed her hand on her mouth so one one could hear her moans.

After that, Midorima took off what was left and slid his member into Kumi. She moaned out while her hand was still on her mouth. He began to thrust in and out of her.

-timeskip to were it ends-

They both grabbed a towel and wrapped it around themselves. They heard knocking on the door.

"Hey the god brought us close." Yuka said as she opened the door. She blushed and tossed them in the room and left.

"I'm really sorry Seiji did that." Kanato said to Haruka.

"Hmph. You need to control him mor-
Haruka was interrupted by Kanato pulling her in a deep embrace. Harukas eyes widened. She blushed a deep shade of red and she hugged back.

Kanato whispered something in her ear. 

"I love you." He whispered

Haruka blushed and whispered back,

"I love you too."

The both pulled away and continued to the next level once Kumi and Midorima was done changing. Man, love never does end. But it can.

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