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They all slowly crept towards the field, holding their knives, ready to attack.

"Do you think this is really a good idea?" Paige asked.

"Yes it is. Just shut up." Kumi said annoyed.

Paige went to go hide behind Midorima, getting closer to him every step.

"This WHORE!" Kumi thought to herself as she kept looking back at them.

They were now at the field. At first, they saw no one. Then, they saw a figure and crept closer, everyone was ready to strike. They were next to the person, they were all shaking.

"W-who are you?" Yuka asked shaking.

The figure turned around. He was pretty tall with brown hair, green eyes, glasses, has a slim body, and was wearing a plain black t shirt with jeans and converse.

"He's kinda cute." Yuka thought

"Lets not get into who I am. So, you're students that are struggling with school. Correct?" The male asked.

"How do you know that?" Haruka asked.

"That girl Kumi beat up, she was my worker." The male replied. "Anyways, you may not have knew this about yourself, but theres a marking on one part of your body. That means you were given a power when you were a baby. You all have different powers and abilities." The male explained.

Everyone looked around their bodies to try and find the mark.

"Kumi, you have the power to basically read peoples mind. Haruka, you can shape shift. Yuka, you can control the weather. Paige, you have ice. Kanato, you cant predict the future, but you have vibes of whats gonna happen in the future. Midorima, you have the power into turning anyone you want into a weapon. And Seiji, you have lightning speed." The male explained.

Everyone was shocked and amazed.

"Wow. I never knew this. But, whats the point of powers if no one else has them?" Haruka asked.

"Now heres the thing, since you guys have those powers, you have to go to another universe. I am a god, I will be able to take you there." The male said.

Everyone had their eyes widened and their knees shaking.

"W-what do you mean? Why do we have to do this?" Kanato asked.

"Thats because you guys are the only ones in this universe with powers. You have to go to the universe and fight. So basically, you guys will be in a game and have to fight your way out and get to the next "level" like a video game. Sounds cool, huh? The god crossing his arms smiling.

"No! We could die!" Midorima said.

"Well whos fault is that?" The god said laughing.

"What if we kill one of our friends?" Seiji asked.

"Then goodbye to your friend." The god said.

"But, our family..." Haruka said looking down to the ground.

"Don't worry, your parents already know about your powers and they already know that you're gonna have to go in this game." The god said impatiently.

"Do we have a choice?" Kumi asked.

"Nope. Now come along, its going to be a long ride." The god said as he began to guide everyone to the other universe.

"So we can kill our own friends? Heh..goodbye Paige."

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