I'm Fine.

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"Would you like to tell me why you decided to do this poor behavior?" The principal said.

"No." Midorima replied in a low voice.

"I'm sorry to say, but you're suspended for two days. I have to call your parents." The principal said, reaching for the phone. He called them and they were on their way.

"They're on their way." The principal said, getting up.

-short timeskip to when his parents arrive-

"Thank you for notifying me." Midorimas mom said.

The principal nodded in response and waved.

"Midorima! Why did you do that?" Midorimas dad asked.

"That kid...said something about my girlfriend." He said, looking down.

His parents looked at each other and nodded in understanding.

"I'm gonna drive you to Kanatos house. Tell me the directions." His mom said as they hopped into the car. He told the directions and there they were.

"Here you are. Come home when you're ready." His mom said. She waved goodbye and drove away.

Midorima knocked on the door.

"Ahh why back so early?" Kanatos mom asked.

"Suspended for two days." Midorima replied plainly.

Kanatos mom let him in and sighed.

"Want anything to eat?" Kanatos mom asked.

Midorima shook his head. There was a ding coming from Kanatos moms phone. It was a text from Kanato.

Kanato: Hey mom, keep an eye on Midorima, I don't want him hurting himself.

Mom: Okay.

Midorima went to Kanatos room and shut the door softly, so no one would hear. He grabbed the knife he hid under Kanatos bed and rolled up his sleeve. He took the knife and harshly pressed it against his skin, creating lines of blood. Tears fell down his eyes and landed on his arm. He carved something onto his arm.

"Done." He said.

Kanatos mom barged in the door with a bowl of rice. Midorima quickly slid the knife under Kanatos bed and quickly pulled down his sleeve.

"Sorry to barge in." Kanatos mom said.

"Its fine." Midorima replied simply.

"You don't look too good. I see that you were crying." Kanatos mom said, in a sad tone.

"Don't worry. We'll take care of you until you're ready to go home. I made some rice." Kanatos mom said as she placed the rice on the floor.

"Eat up." She said.

"Thanks." Midorima replied plainly.

"No problem." She replied before she left.

Midorima pulled up his sleeve and looked at his arm.

"I wish I was alright." He said in a low tone. He began to eat the rice, trying to forget everything.

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