Bled by Confidence

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Everyone stared in awe.

"Yes its me. The god. Im in this crystal ball for a reason. At the very last level, you will have to fight a boss, like any other video game. Im only here to tell you about new opponents you find as you continue each level. Once you reach the very last level, you have to insert this crystal ball in the back of its neck, so it'll die." The god said.

"So you can only help us with new rivals we find?" Yuka asked.

"Well and other minor things. But, I cant assist you with fighting bosses and stuff." The god replied back.

"Oh." Yuka said sadly.

"Oh dont be so down. I'll still be here, mainly for you." The god said with a a smirk.

"Yeah right. Wheres his off button?" Yuka asked.
"Nevermind found it." Yuka said and she figured out how to turn it off.

"There you go. Now lets go." Yuka said, determined.

Everyone ran to the next level.

"Wait Kumi!" Midorima called out.

"What?" Kumi said. She stopped running and waited for Midorima to catch up to her.

"Your wound...don't run too much, it can affect your leg." Midorima said, having a lot of worry for her.

Kumi said brightly.

"Don't worry! I'll be just fine!" Kumi said happily.
"Im glad your worried about me." Kumi said, looking into his eyes.

"Don't be stupid. Of course I would be worried for you. I care about you." Midorima said, looking deeply into her eyes. He planted a kiss on her forehead. Kumi returned the favor.

Everyone started to run and left them behind.

"Hey wait up!" Midorima said.

"Your fault for having sex when we're in a fucking game." Kanato replied, annoyed and trying to keep his cool.

Everyone sooner met up at the fifth level. They all were on-guard. They started running, doing the usual, fighting off villains. Midorima was still cautious about Kumis wound. He would sometimes even kill the enemies she was fighting just to protect her.

"Midorima, I can fight on my own, don't worry." Kumi said while fighting off an enemy.

"No its okay, I can turn you into a weapon so you dont have to do as much work." Midorima said.

"Babe, I'm fine." Kumi giggled.

Midorima gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

She continued to fight.
Midorima was still worried, but he let her carry on.

Haruka used her power to shapeshift into a white tiger and ripping her way through.

Seiji used his super speed to dash his way through anything.

Midorima turned Yuka into a weapon, which was a sword. He sliced his way through.

Kumi was doing great. Her wound didn't affect her. She was running and slicing and dicing her opponents. Everyone was eventually done, or at least thats what they thought. A running opponent came running towards Haruka. Kanato had his vibes and looked back to see Haruka, he saw a foe running towards her.

"Haruka!" Kanato said.

Haruka looked back and saw an opponent running towards her. Before the person could do anything, Kanato grabbed his sword and stabbed it through the stomach. Harukas eyes widened. She turned away and scoffed.

"Hmph. I knew that was coming, I was just tired from fighting. So don't think you've saved my life or anything." Haruka said proudly.

"Sure. Thank me later." Kanato replied.

Out of nowhere, Kumi fell onto her knees.

"Kumi!" Everyone said and came rushing towards her.

Her leg was spewing blood.

"Kumi! I told you not to fight!" Midorima said, holding her head.

"H-hey I didn't know this was gonna happen, I'm sorry." Kumi said faintly.

"Shh its okay don't blame it on yourself." Midorima said, giving her comfort.

He picked her up bridal style and planted a smooth, soft kiss on her forehead. He took her into the temp house and set her down on the bed. He grabbed patches and bandages. He put them on her leg and used a napkin to remove the excess blood.

"Next time you should listen to me, you twat." Midorima said, teasingly.

"Whatever." Kumi said giggling.

"What a cute couple." Seiji said.

"They truly are adorable." Yuka said.

"Yeah you have your eye on the god, huh?" Seiji teased.

"Screw off." Yuka replied.

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