Trouble Away from Hell

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They all ran away from the school and stopped at a smoothie place. They were all out of breath and panting.

"Wait guys! You brought your phones, right?" Paige asked.

"No kidding we're not idiots." Yuka said holding out her phone.

"I want a smoothie but I dont have any money." Kumi said sadly, she really wanted that smoothie.

"Its fine I have lunch money I didn't use." Haruka said holding out five dollars. The smoothies were cheap, a dollar each.

"Hah who brings five dollars for lunch? You're not going to buy that much food HAH!" Kumi laughed.

"Okay so I guess you dont want a smoothie?" Haruka asked.

"No I'm joking!" Kumi said sadly. "Geez..." Kumi then said in a stressed out tone.

Haruka went in the shop and bought the smoothies for them. They all thanked her.

They all drank their smoothies quickly since they ran so much.

After about 5 minutes they began walking around the city and finished their smoothies.

"So what do we do now?" Paige asked.

"Whatever we want, as long as the cops don't catch us. I believe its illegal for students to be out during school hours or some crap like that." Yuka replied back.

"Lets go to my apartment." Kumi said.
They all agreed.

Sirens were heard from not to far away. They all turned their heads and saw cop cars driving towards them.

"Oh shit the cops!" Kumi yelled. They all bolted as fast as they could to Kumis place. They were out of breath from running, but they didn't care, they were on the run.

~Timeskip to Kumis place~

Kumi unlocked her door quickly and they all ran inside and Kumi shut the door loudly. All of them panted and Haruka face slammed onto the floor. They haven't done this much running since last PE.

"Guys what are we gonna do?" Yuka said in between pants.

"We can call Midorima and his friends to come help us." Paige suggested

"Like who?" Kumi asked.

Haruka got up from the floor and became engaged into the idea.

"You know, Seiji, Kanato-

"NO!" Haruka shouted and interrupted Paige, "you're not getting Kanato into this! He didn't do anything to deserve this." Haruka said as she crossed her arms and looked down to the floor.

"Why? You like him?" Paige teased. Everyone laughed.

"As if! I just dont want people like him to get in trouble thats all! Idiot..." She said blushing.


"Im not lying!" Haruka said.

"Hah okay sure. Anyways, yeah uh, we're screwed." Kumi said looking at her phone.

"Just call Midorima, who cares if hes in class, hes gonna be excused to answer the call anyways." Yuka suggested.

Kumi dialed Midorima.

~back at school~

Ring ring

"Whos phone is that?" The teacher asked.

"Uhh, mine, can I be excused?" Midorima asked.

"Make it quick." The teacher said.

Midorima went outside and answered the call.

"Hello?" Mirdorima said.

"MIDORIMA HELP US!" Kumi shouted.

"Kumi? Where are you? Why aren't you in class?"

"Look, me, Yuka, Haruka, and Paige ditched so-

"YOU GUYS DITCHED?!" Midorima shouted in shock. Good thing no one heard.

"Shut up! Yes we need you to help. Just go quickly get some lunch, chew it, and throw it up in class so they will think you're sick and send you home. BYEEE!" With that, Kumi hung up.

"Fuck my life." Midorima thought to himself and rushed to get lunch.

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