The Steamy Temp House

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They were in the next level. They were all exhausted from the recent levels.

"Guys, lets do this level later and lets rest. Theres suppose to be a temp house in each level." Kumi pointed out.

"Well where is it?" Midorima asked.

"I'll lead the way." Kumi replied.

Kumi led the way to the temp house. It wasn't a big house. It was a small house with one big room, which contained three beds and a small counter. The house itself contained, one bathroom, and a kitchen.

They walked into the bedroom to take a rest.

"Umm guys..." Yuka said nervously.

"Hm?" Kumi replied.

"T-theres only three beds." Yuka replied.

"So I guess two people have to share each bed?" Kanato asked.

"Y-yeah..." Kumi replied.

"Oh hah! How about Kanato and Haruka sleep together!" Kumi said. Right after she said that, she clamped her hand over her mouth, realizing what she just said.

Haruka blushed a very deep shade of red.

"Oops! Not like that! I meant like sleep in the same bed." Kumi corrected herself.

"N-no! Kanato can go with Seiji. And I can go with Yuka and you can go with Midorima!" Haruka said back.

Kumi blushed then looked at Midorima.

"Well, you see, Yuka needs a males protection, so Seiji has to be in the same bed as her. Unless you want Kanato to be with Yuka then I suggest-

"No shut it!" Haruka interrupted. "F-fine I'll be with Kanato. Seiji and Yuka can be together."

"Good!" Kumi said.

They all took off their shoes and the people with glasses took them off and put them on the counter. They hopped into the bed. Their backs were facing each other. All the ladies blushed-badly.

"This is so weird! Like yeah he's my boyfriend and all but, I've never done this." Kumi thought to herself.
"What if things get...weird?" Kumi thought to herself. She blushed even more at the thought.

"Hey babe, you awake?" Midorima asked. He turned himself so he was facing Kumi. Kumi turned herself so she was facing him.

"Yeah, I can't really sleep." Kumi whispered.

"Me either. I just hope we can make it out alive." Midorima whispered. He leaned in to give her a kiss on her forehead.

Kumis face was now hot.

Kumi returned the favor. She kissed Midorima on the forehead.

"I love you." Midorima said.

At that moment, Kumis heart dropped. It sunk deep.

"I-I love you too." Kumi said, locking her eyes into his.

Midorima leaned in, his face just inches apart from Kumis. Midorima ran his fingers through her hair.

"I think you still look gorgeous, even without glasses." Midorima said, still running his fingers through her hair.

They both blushed deeply, Midorima leaned in closer, until...

"Can you guys shut your ass up I can hear you! No ones having sex on the first day here. Jesus fucking Christ man..." Kanato said annoyed.

They both blushed at what he just said.

"Hey we weren't-

"I said shut up!" Kanato said.

Everyone became silent.

About five minutes has passed and Haruka was the only one not asleep. She turned her body so she was facing towards Kanatos back. Her hand accidentally touched his back and startled him. Kanato turned his body so it was facing Haruka.

"U-umm I-I'm sorry it was an a-accident." Haruka stuttered. She blushed and looked away from him, but her body still facing towards him.

"Heh, theres no need to be shy. I don't bite." Kanato teased and chuckled.

"Don't get the wrong idea its not like I'm shy or anything, I was just nervous since I woke you up, you idiot!" Haruka said pouting.

"Shh don't be so loud or else they'll hear us." Kanato said and immediately blushed afterward because of how wrong it sounded.

Harukas face was getting steamy, so she turned away so her back was facing him.

"Idiot." She said then went to sleep.

"Girls are so hard to understand." Kanato said.

After that, they all fell asleep. They were gonna have a tough battle tomorrow.

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