Back Home and Back for Trouble

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It was another morning, which meant school. They had an entire month left until summer.

-Kanatos House-

The alarm clock beeped once and Kanato smashed it. He shook Midorima and woke him up.

"Tch. Don't touch me." Midorima said in a low voice.

"Dude, I'm letting you stay in my house and feeding your ass. At least show some respect." Kanato said, trying to keep his cool.

"You don't understand how I feel, don't ya? Kumi meant the world to me, I could tell her anything, I did everything for her, now I got that taken away from me!" Midorima said, raising his voice a little.

Kanatos eyes darted towards Midorimas arms and grabbed one of them, pulling down his sleeve. What was revealed, were many cuts. Kanatos eyes widened.

"Let go of me you bastard!" Midorima rose his voice even more. He pulled out of his grasp and pulled down his sleeve. He began to walk away, but Kanato pulled the back of his shirt.

"Midorima, when did you have the time to this?!" Kanato roared.

"Shh! Boys hurry up and get ready you're gonna be late!" Kanatos mom shouted back.

"Answer me." Kanato said in a low voice.

"When I went to the kitchen." Midorima said, looking away.

"Dude. Thats not going to help. What do you think Kumis gonna think of-

Midorima cut him off.

"Kumis gone! It doesn't matter anymore! Shes gone! Shes dead..." Midorima said, falling onto his knees.

"Shes dead.." He said as tears began go fall on the floor.

"Oi! Whats the proble-

Kanatos mom cut herself off when she saw Midorima onto the ground.

Kanatos mom walked over to Midorima.

"Its about your girlfriend, isn't it?" Kanatos mom asked.

"Yeah. I don't think you know how I feel." Midorima replied, still looking at the ground.

"Oh sweetie, I know exactly how you feel." Kanatos mom said as she placed his chin up.

"Y-you do?" Midorima said in a shaking voice. Kanatos mom nodded in response.

"Honey, I lost my husband when Kanato was only ten. He was shot and killed in the game. He was not that strong of a man. He was lanky. I didn't know how to explain it to Kanato." Kanatos mom explained.

"H-he died in the game too?" Midorima asked.

"Yep. Ever since that day, I felt, alone. Kanatos sister was away studying in college and his brother.." Kanatos mom trailed off, holding back her tears.

"H-his brother commited suicide when he knew my husband died. They were the closest father and son I ever knew. I just want you to know how I felt. We all missed him and mourned his death. I'm just saying, people are gonna miss you, friends, family. You'll see her in heaven one day, I promise." Kanatos mom said. She patted his head and stood up.

"Now get to school!" She roared.

"Damnit, I forgot to bring my school uniform." Midorima said.

"Oh well get loaners." Kanato said.

They both got ready and headed out for the door.

-Harukas House-

Haruka forgot to set up an alarm and her mom barged in her room, hitting her head with a rolled up newspaper.

"Wake up!" Harukas mom said.
"You overslept! I thought you had your alarm set up!"

"Err.. Uhh about that.." Haruka said then stormed out of her room.

"This girl." Harukas mom mumbled.

Haruka quickly used the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She did her hair quickly and tied it into a high ponytail. She slipped on her uniform, socks and shoes. She grabbed her backpack and headed out.

"Hey! You forgot your glasses." Harukas mom said.

"Right." Haruka said. She grabbed them and ran out the door.

-Yukas House-

Yukas alarm clock woke her up.

"8:00" She read.

"Crap I'm late!" Yuka said as she jumped out of bed. She didn't even bother to do her hair. She brushed her teeth and slipped on her uniform, socks, shoes, and glasses. She snatched her backpack and left.

-At School-

They all met up. Yuka was the last one to show up.

"You're lucky we had five minutes until school started." Haruka said.

They walked in the school and everyone started staring at them, like usual.

"Ohh noo help! The weebs are back! What happened to that other weeb? Is she dead or something?" One kid spewed out.

That was it. Midorima has the darkest eyes of danger. He went over to the kid and threw him against the wall.

"Midorima!" Everyone shouted in sync.

The principal came over and took him to the office.

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