Boys POV

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-Kanatos POV-
One second after the alarm clock went off I smashed my hands against it and rubbed my eyes.
"Fuck monday" I mumbled to myself. I let out a yawn and got out of bed, slowly. I got on my white t-shirt, put on a blazer-like thing over it, and a tie. After than I put on my long black pants. My god- I hate school uniforms. After that I did everything else and grabbed my backpack. I slipped on my socks and shoes and left.

-Seijis POV-
Once my alarm clock went off, I calmly turned it off. I put on my uniform and got ready-pretty quick id say so myself. But i hate mondays. They suck. School sucks. I just got out of a relationship and im so sick of my friends teasing me. Like Haruka and sometimes Yuka. But mostly Haruka. But whatever. Life sucks. I did everything else such as brush my teeth and all that stuff. I got my backpack and slipped on my socks and shoes. "Time for hell." I said to myself.

-Midorimas POV-
Monday already? I got dressed very quickly. I had no alarm to turn off. I hate mondays, but i only like school because of my girlfriend, Kumi. Ive always liked kumi, but i dont know why i dated her friend before her. Her friend barely comes to school. Her names Rico. But whatever, im just happy im with Kumi. I put on my socks and shoes in like 2 seconds. I grabbed my backpack and headed out.

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