Chapter 4: Doing the Impossible

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"Wow, we're all at level 8. I-I can't believe it." Kumi said.

"I know, we made it this far." Midorima said.

"Well what are we waiting for? Lets do this shit!" Kumi said enthusiastically.

Everyone giggled and ran off. Five minutes in, Haruka was shot in the chest, Seiji got stabbed in the neck, Kumi was shot in both legs, Kanato was clawed through his chest, Yuka had a broken nose and got shot on the forehead, and Midorima lost a hand. Everyone lost another life. Midorima coughed out blood and fell onto to the ground.

"B-babe..we can do this...don't die now...please." Kumi said with the scratchy tone in her voice.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna die, especially for you." Midorima said then coughed out blood once more.

"I'm starting to have doubts again...I-I-don't know. We're almost done...but, i-its just so hard...why cant we just be regular human beings??!" Yuka shouted furiously.

"Yuka, don't'll lose your voice," Kumi said, still in her scratchy tone. "I guarantee you none of us wanna be here, its just we have to."

"But deep down in your heart, do you think we'll make it out alive?" Seiji asked.

"O-of course! Just don't give up...keep your head up." Kumi said. With that being said, she got up. With her two shot legs, she managed to get up.

"Come on! Don't just lay there! If I can get up with two shot legs, you sure in hell can too! Kumi said. She ran and sliced the rivals into bits with her axe, dodging many moves that were meant for her.

Haruka stood up next. She shapeshifted into a bear. She ripped the arms and legs of the opponents and spat it out. Next was Yuka. She turned the weather into a stormy, and cloudy temperature with lightning. The lightning struck down several rivals at once. Speaking of lightning, Seiji used his lightning speed to punch and attack the rivals. This time, Kanato was turned into a weapon by Midorima. He was turned into a gun and was used to shoot many of the foes dashing his way. Eventually, most of them were down, but, of course, they all got injured, even Kanato.

Haruka nearly had her whole wrist come off, theres a huge bloody mark on it, Yuka got her shoulder sliced, it didn't come off, but it has a mark where it left its territory. Kumi had her nose broken, Seiji was punched in the stomach until the mixture of blood and mucus came out, Midorima was shot on his shoulder, Even though Kanato was a gun, he was dropped onto the floor, stepped on, and crushed in half, which led half of his arm to come off once he turned back to his regular form. Thats not even the bad part. The bad part is, they aren't even done with the level yet.

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