Love Never Ends 2 (Midorima x Kumi filler/side story)

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A/N I know I've been doing a lot of romance with Midorima and Kumi, but I'm trying to make the best out of it for upcoming events. I promise after this filler, I will continue with the story. This will contain sexual content. If you're not interested in it, do not read any further.

"Guys! Can we please go?" Yuka asked impatiently.
"Like I get you guys love each other but there are things that need to be done." Yuka added on.

Everyone blushed.

"Can we just stay here a little longer?" Seiji asked.

"Did you not hear what Kanato told us?! He said the god said we only have two hours to be here or else we have to start ALL OVER! Its like the games on pause. Now HURRY UP!" Yuka shouted in a fierce tone.

"We still have fifteen minutes." Midorima stated.

"I don't care! You guys are all such a pain in the ass!" Yuka shouted. She stormed into the bathroom and locked herself in there.

Seiji walked over to the counter and grabbed the magazines with the models.

"Heh. Hey, this one looks likes Kumi." Seiji teased and pointed.

Midorima and Kumi walked over to Seiji and looked over at the magazine. Kumi snatched the magazine out of his hand and threw it at him.

"Dude you need to stop harassing me! I'm already taken and its getting so annoying! Do you have a thing for me or something?!" Kumi shouted in rage.

"It's not my fault." Seiji said and walked over to Kumi, trying to touch her. Midorima had a dead expression on his face and punched him in the stomach. Seiji fell onto the floor and crawled to Kanato.

"Heh..fuck you." Seiji laughed. Kanato and Seiji went out of the room.

"I'm going to protect you. No matter what. I'm going to show him you're mine." Midorima said.

He took her into the other room and locked it shut. He pinned her onto the bed and gave her a red mark on her neck.

"There. Thats my territory. Now they know you're mine." Midorima said chuckling.

He lifted up her shirt and began to grope her breasts. Kumi blushed and closed one eye. He unbuttoned het shorts and slid them down along with his. They both got undressed and made out for a few seconds. Midorima pulled away and placed his member inside of Kumi and began to thrust in and out. This time, it couldn't have been helped, Kumi moaned out loudly. Midorima didn't want anyone to hear so he shut her up with a kiss.

-timeskip to where its over-

They finally ended it and dressed themselves again. Midorima kissed her once more and unlocked the door.

"Is Yuka still in there?" Midorima asked.

Everyone glared, especially Yuka. She gave a death stare.

"So I take that as a-

"WE HAVE FIVE MINUTES LEFT YOU PIECE OF VULGAR SHIT!" Yuka shouted. Yuka was the never the type to curse.

Kumi went over and gave her a hug to calm her down.

"Im sorry." Kumi apologized sincerely.

"Whatever. Its fine." Yuka replied, hugging back.

Everyone ran to where they left off. They got lucky they still got to continue. They carried on and continued, feeling confident and energetic.

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