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"Haruka are you insane?! Do you realize how injured you are?!" Kanato shouted out as he was chasing towards her.

"Tch. So?" Haruka said calmly.

"So?! You're going to die if you don't get healed! Are you even thinking straight?!" Kanato blurted out with anger marked on his face. He stopped right behind her. Haruka stopped walking and stood still, her back facing Kanato.

"I-I don't care! I wanna get out of here! I don't wanna spend a whole day in the temp house and wasting time!" Haruka shouted back.

"Wasting time?! The temp house is for you to be healed so its easier to fight! Haruka! Think! You idiot!" Kanato shouted back.

Haruka turned around to Kanato and slapped him across the face so hard that there was a handprint. Kanato held his cheek.

"D-don' dare call me an idiot! Don't you realize what I've been trying to do? I've been trying to motivate you to get your confidence up! How am I the idiot if I'm trying to help?!" Haruka said as she clenched her fists.

"I'm pretty sure yelling at me, constantly hitting me, and always calling me an idiot isn't motivation!" Kanato yelled back.

"Thats because I don't know how to-nevermind." Haruka trailed off and she tried to hold back her tears, but it failed. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she immediately wiped them away.

"Oh, I-I didn't mean to make you cry..." Kanato said walking over to Haruka.

"Don't come near me." Haruka said coldly.

"I think that does ENOUGH for one day," Yuka said. "Can we just please go on already? Arguing does and solves NOTHING! Got that?" Yuka said loudly and clearly.

Everyone nodded in sync and went on to fight. Oh man, only a few minutes in, everyone was on the floor at least over 10 times. But did they give up? Hell no. Are they EVER going to give up? As if. Are they going to work together? They have to. Are they going to make it out alive? ....who knows. They started off with ten lives, but now they're down to each four. (They have lives like in fighting games. Just clarifying :) They all stood up in great sync. They all ran, holding their wounds like it was just a scar. They all used their powers, it wasn't strong enough to defeat all the foes, it only killed half. They tried over and over. Eventually, all of them were killed. They repeated the same thing until they were at the next level.

"Yuka. Open up the crystal ball," Seiji suggested. "Maybe the god can help us."

"But we only notify him if we find a new rival throughout the levels. What can he possibly help with?" Kumi asked, crossing her arms.

"Yuka, just do it." Seiji said.

Yuka took out the crystal ball and summoned the god. They all saw him inside the crystal ball.

"Hey hey hey! Hows it g- woaaahhh you guys look INJURED AS FUCK!" The god said humorously.

"Only if I could punch you." Yuka mumbled.

"I heard that cutie. Anyways, whats up?" The god said with great humor.

"Don't call me that, freak. What did you want, Seiji?" Yuka asked.

"Okay god, the levels have been getting harder and harder. What if the crystal ball breaks?" Seiji asked.

"Hmm. Well I can't tell you everything, but, if it does break, repair it. The supplies are in the temp house, somewhere." The god said. After that, he vanished away. Yuka slid it back into the pocket in her coat.

"Is everyone feeling okay?" Kumi asked.

"Yeah." Everyone replied.

They didn't have anytime to waste. They scurried along.

Will they take their separate ways? Impossible. Will they survive? Don't know. Will someone die? Possibly.

A/N I apologize so greatly for not updating in about a week. I promise I will try and be more active.

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